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Oliver POV:

"Alright guys, so here's the mission!" Fukase started dramatically, "first we must get Gumi a new bag". Gumi and I nodded. "And second we need to avoid getting into trouble for skipping". I sighed, "If my brother finds out he's gonna kill me". Fukase gaped, "oh god...I didn't even think about that!" He yelped, "Teto's in the student council!" Gumi snorted. Fukase rolled his eyes, "I'll just have to think of an excuse, it'll be fine".

"Let's go people", Gumi smirked. She pushed open the door and lead the way. We all sped down the stairs as fast as we could, which was difficult with the extra stuff we were carrying.

We reached the bottom. "Thank...goodness", I exhaled, out of breath. Gosh I'm so unfit... we walked towards the office, ignoring the stares from people who had seen us sprinting down the stairs.

"You'll have to do the talking", Fukase said. Gumi sighed then cleared her throat, to gain the office lady's attention. "Megpoid Gumi", the office lady sighed, "what did you do this time?" Gumi laughed awkwardly, "I..um...ripped my school bag". Gumi fidgeted nervously, "sorry Mrs.Allen".

Mrs.Allen got up from her seat and walked over to the 'lost and found' box. She was grumbling to herself about 'stupid kids'. Why would someone who seems to hate children as much as her, pick to work at a school? Adult's logic baffles me.

"Don't break this one too", Mrs.Allen frowned, handing gumi an old looking backpack. "Thank you", Gumi said, giving a fake smile. We went and sat on a couch at the waiting area, next to the office. "It'll have to do", Gumi sighed, "even if it looks like it was made in the 70s". Fukase and I chuckled.

"Let's sort this all out then", I smiled. We got all of Gumi's belongings from our bags and helped her shove them into her 'new' one. Thank goodness, I don't think I would've been able to carry such a heavy bag all day!

"That took longer than expected", Fukase sighed, "It's third period now right?" I nodded. "We've missed a lot of it already", Gumi mumbled, "I don't know how I'd explain our absence". I thought for a moment. "What if we just don't go?" I said. Fukase and Gumi laughed, like they didn't expect me to say that.

"I'd love to skip", Fukase said, "but I think Teto would actually kill me". Gumi and I laughed. "Fair enough", Gumi said, "what class are yous in?" I pretended to think even though I knew there's no way I'd remember. "We're in history", Fukase said. I nodded at him in gratitude.

Gumi smiled suddenly, "Mr. Camui's class?" Oh! I forgot Gumi was in my class. "That's the one", Fukase grinned. "Well let's go then!" I smiled. "Yeah we don't want to be late" Gumi said sarcastically. So then we headed off...

A/N: extra long chapter since I haven't updated in a while _

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