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Fukase POV

We all headed back to class whilst chatting amongst ourselves. It's strange how I already feel so comfortable with them, I want to get to know them better, especially...

'...kase', a voice called 'Fukase!'
I realised I had zoned out. 'Sorry Oliver!' I said, feeling my face heat up. He giggled at me. Stop being so adorable!
'Anyways, come on!' Oliver laughed, 'we're going to be laaate'

*Time skip brought to you by James*

I was relived when I heard the school bell go, signalling that it was the end of the day. Everyone packed their things away and began to leave, even the teacher. Only our wee group remained in the empty class. 'You all must add Me and Piko on instagram!' Flower exclaimed. Piko nodded and smiled when he saw Me and Oliver get our phones out...

'Alright! See you all later then', Piko called grabbing onto Flowers hand and pulling her out the door. Oliver was giggling at her blushing face. Cute..I bet I'm the one blushing now. '

Let's go Fukase!' Oliver smiled at me. We walked side by side, not talking much until I got to my car. 'See you Oliver', I said shyly. 'Bye-bye, see you soon!' He giggled and ran off in the opposite direction.

Teto gave me a strange look. 'What's up with you', she asked, 'your face is bright red!'

Olikase-high school AUWhere stories live. Discover now