VI-Packed lunch

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The next periods seemed to drag on but it was finally break! I walked with the new squad to the roof top. Flower and Piko lead us to a bench that was tucked away in the corner. 'This is our super secret den!' Piko declared dramatically, with his arms open wide.

'It's very secret', Fukase chuckled, making everyone else laugh. Fukase and I sat on the bench while Flower leaned against the wall. Even though there was room on the bench, Piko sat himself down on the floor, with his legs in a basket. Flower mumbled something about how adorable he looks. I giggled causing Flower's face to go red since she realised I heard her.

Piko opened his lunch box and started to eat. Flower cleared her throat, 'anyways...Piko gimmie some of your crackers!' Piko laughed and started chucking crackers at Flower. 'I mean I ship it', Fukase whispered to me. I snorted loudly, Fukase and I were both trying so hard not to wheeze.

I can't believe this is what I've been missing! I have a feeling school is going to get a little bit more interesting...

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