II-Good Morning...you're late!

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Time skip: the next morning

I woke up suddenly to loud knocking my door. 'Fukase, Move your butt out here or we'll both be late!' Called Teto's voice. I groaned as I sat up and glanced at the time. I'm not even running late, Teto is just being dramatic.

I sigh, before getting up and putting on my new uniform. I wore a red converse, black trousers, and a white shortsleeved shirt with a red ribbon, tied in a bow. The school makes you wear a bow or a tie, Teto says that most of the boys wear ties but there's no way I'm wearing one.

I head out to the kitchen where I see Cul eating cereal at the table. 'Yo', Cul said nonchalantly. Despite her fashion sense would suggest, Cul is a very chill person. Though She can be scary when she needs to be.

I sat down at the table and helped myself to some cornflakes. 'Hurry up you two!' Teto complained as she zipped up her school bag. 'Teto is part of the student council so she needs to be early' Cul explained. I sighed as I got up from the table, leaving my half eaten breakfast behind. Cul and I were basically dragged out the door by Teto.

Since Cul is old enough to drive she took us all to my new school. I had been trying to avoid thinking about it but I'm about to be there. There's going to be so many people, oh gods...

A/N not much happened this chapter but I hope you liked it.  =)

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