Part 1

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Uh, Hey I'm Thomas, and uh this is the part where I usually start off by saying something quick and witty to begin the video.....yeah.

*Intro Plays*

Thomas: What is up everybody? So recently I've been asked-

Logan: *pops up* Hold on Thomas.

Thomas: Alright! Starting out strong today.

Logan: On the contrary, that was a terrible beginning to the video.

Thomas: What? Why?

Logan: If you'll please recall, that is the exact same intro from the Sander Side episode 'Accepting Anxiety part one.'

Thomas: Oh, you're right! Thank you, Logan!

Logan: Oh well, it's really nothing. Why don't you try again?

Thomas: Alright... Oh! I got it. For my next trick, I will transform myself into a very old man! The catch is that-

Logan: Thomas! What are you doing??

Thomas: Uh... recording an intro?

Logan: That is the same intro you used in the Sander Side episode 'Can Lying be Good?'

Thomas: Ah, good times... I remember being so freaked out when we met Janus for the first time...

Logan: ... Tell me more about that.

Thomas: Why? You were there?

Logan: I am aware of this fact. Please continue.

Thomas: Alright well, Patton who was actually not Patton showed up really loud and quickly so I had a heart attack-

Logan: Literally, or figuratively?

Thomas: Figuratively.

Logan: Ah, continue.

Thomas: Then everyone came in and we talked about that stupid mistake I made over some boy and what I was going to tell Joan. And then-

Logan: Alright that's enough.

Thomas: What? We haven't gotten even close to the good parts.

Logan: We don't need to. That was merely a test of your memory, which seems to be working fine.

Thomas: Oh! ... Why?

Logan: Are you so oblivious all the time?

Thomas: Yes.

Logan: ...

Thomas: ...

Logan: ... Right, you were repeating intros word by word without realizing it. I feared you had forgotten them.

Thomas: Oh no, I didn't forget... that is odd though...

Logan: Indeed. Did you get enough sleep last night? Have you been eating? Drinking water?

Thomas: Yeah! Of course all of that.

Logan: Then I suppose this is just an infinitesimal mistake.

Thomas: Oh hey! You used it righ-

Logan: Would you please give your intro another go?

Thomas: Oh yeah, give me a second.

Logan: Of course. Take your time.

Thomas: ....... *deep breath* Ok. How about... it opens to me sleeping and an alarm going off. Then I say I'm just gonna sleep in a couple more seconds?

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