Part 8

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Living room

Logan: Calm down. They're testing remember?

Thomas: I know!! It's just super weird!!

Patton: You're saying Virgil's room is opening and closing?

Logan: Testing remember? Please just take a deep breath. They'll be back any minute now.

Janus: Indeed.

Patton: Jimmy snimity!

Janus: Sorry, I didn't mean to startle.

Thomas: Where is Virgil?

Janus: He's fine. Still in his room.

Logan: How did it go?

Janus: Well, it's quite puzzling. There seems to be a device in the rooms now that by holding, you can concentrate on keeping your room locked, blocking intruders.

Patton: That's it? Roman is just thinking about keeping us away and it works?

Janus: Not exactly. There is a catch.

Logan: Being?

Janus: It seems to take up a tremendous amount of energy. And by attempting to enter, it puts immense pressure on the side.

Patton: How much pressure?

Janus: I'm not sure. He fell down the first time when he was not prepared.

Patton: Is he ok??

Janus: Fine, so he says. But he wishes for us all to attempt to enter at the same time.

Thomas: Wait, how can we know you aren't lying?

Janus: For what purpose would I need to lie?

Thomas: um... well... maybe you actually hurt Virgil a lot more than you say and just want to torture him!

Janus: ... at least Remus is keeping your mind up. I suppose if you really think that, we could just tell him to give up.

Patton: Well, we can just call him up and ask him!

Logan: There's no need.

Thomas: Why not?

Logan: Had Janus had malicious intent, he would have executed his plan already. Coming back to use us would only incriminate him faster.

Thomas: So you're saying it's like a self-report in Among us?

*Logan looks confused, Janus gives a quick nod of affirmation.*

Logan: Right, apparently. The point is, let's move on.

Janus: Are you sure about that?

Logan: Of course.

Janus: I mean, Virgil requested we all try to go at the same time to test it. I said we wouldn't do it if Logan deemed it unsafe.

Logan: If... I? Deemed it?

Janus: Of course. You are Logic, are you not?

Logan: Of course, I am.

Janus: So what do you think? Do we go for the experiment, or do we keep Virgil safe?

*Janus raises his eyebrow, wanting to pressure, but feels too bad to smirk.*

Logan: Ah, a moral dilemma.

Janus: I don't mean that! I just meant to ask- what do you think is the smarter thing to do? Follow our testing... or follow feelings?

*Logan freezes up with a slightly scared look on his face. Janus raises an eyebrow again.*

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