Part 15

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Thomas: What do you... think is going on?

Logan: We can't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Patton: but it's definitely a thing?

Janus: Definitely.

*He has moved over to share a screen with Patton. He's farther away from Roman's spot. Suddenly Thomas lets out a small whimper before sighing. He looks up at Virgil on the staircase, hugging himself.*

Thomas: Virgil!

Patton: Are you alright???

*Virgil suddenly shoots up and turns towards Roman's spot. Looking almost as if he were using the force on Roman.*

Virgil: Don't you dare!!

Roman: Ouch!

*Roman gets pulled up by the hair, and everyone gasps. He refuses to make eye contact with anyone. The others start talking over each other*

Thomas: Roman! Oh Roman we were so worried!

Patton: I'm so so sorry Roman! I promise I'll do better!

Logan: Thank the Lord your ok.

*Janus just nods with a much more relaxed body. Remus pops up and opens his mouth to speak but stops and stares at Roman instead. They all go quiet and watch him for a second.*

Thomas: ...Roman? You're ok, buddy...

Roman: ...leave... me... alone..."

Thomas: What? I need you! So badly I-

Roman: I made a mistake. I didn't mean to remove myself completely. Give me a moment-

Virgil: No! We are here now! And we are having this discussion!

*Roman finally looks up only to snarl at Virgil*

Virgil: Everything you told me. We are going to talk about it now. With Janus and Remus as well

Roman: Why?? They're why I don't matter!

Virgil: They're here to prove your opinions matter more! A lot more than you think.

Thomas: Roman... you think you don't matter?

Roman: Well, what good am I doing you, Thomas??

Thomas: What do you mean? You're everything! Your'/e how and why I do everything! My entire career centered around you!

Roman: No... Not me Thomas. Creativity. You need that not, Roman. I didn't mean to disappear completely and this time, I'll make sure you aren't lacking. Now if you'll excuse me-

*He tries to exit, but is still being held up by Virgil.*

Virgil: For the last time, we still need you!

Roman: You don't! In fact, you wouldn't even have been hurt if you hadn't come to my room!

Virgil: Well if you never left, I wouldn't have needed to!

Thomas: Boys please! Settle down.

*Virgil crosses his arms stubbornly.*

Logan: We would really appreciate you giving us the time to talk this out.

Roman: Logan, this isn't about logic! I know I'm supposed to be here! So don't even bother with that!

Thomas: But it's true! Roman... without you, I'd have a million unsolved problems. Not by creativity, but by your contributions!

Roman: Well you have new voices to replace mine so clearly, I'm not needed anymore!

Thomas: That's not true! We may be letting Janus have a bit of a say, but that doesn't mean he can offer anything you can! And the only reason Remus is here was to help find you! That's all!

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