Part 12

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TW/CW: Self depreciation

Logan: Oh, are you ready to go already?

Virgil: Not like I have a choice at this point.

Thomas: Uh, I have questions.

Logan: Of course you do.

Thomas: So like... how is this going to work?

Patton: Before we jump into that, can I ask a different question?

Logan and Janus: I don't know, can you?

Patton: *laughs* Oh, I just love you two. So- what is Virgil supposed to do?

Virgil: Yeah actually... that's a good question... thanks Pat.

*Patton smiles*

Logan: The goal is ultimately to get him back. I'd start by making sure he is physically ok, then finding the problem. Work towards a solution and come back if there are any problems.

Virgil: I see. That is essentially what I was gonna do anyway...

Logan: I think we should also note, in order to properly talk to him, he may need to let go of the lock.

Virgil: How do I get him to do that?

Patton: Just tell him we won't go! And we won't!

Virgil: Ok, but how can we guarantee Remus and Janus won't go?

Janus: I still have a leash for Remus.

Virgil: Please stop saying that.

Janus: I mean I can make sure he doesn't.

Virgil: And you?

Janus: You can't guarantee I won't...

Logan: He won't.

Thomas: How do you know?

Logan: Janus knows how much is at risk here. Not to mention, he worked hard to get the voice he has. If he pulls anything, he knows you can kick him out of discussions just like that.

Thomas: Oh, I see...

Patton: Does that include if he lets Remus get away?

Logan: Yes.

Janus: ...Why ruin all the fun, Lo?

Thomas: So that means he's right then?

Janus: ... Of course not! ...But I suppose you could say he's on the right track...

Virgil: ...Just know, if you pull anything, none of us will forgive you. Especially not me.

Janus: Wouldn't expect anything less.

Thomas: So, we're going then?

Virgil: I guess so.

Thomas: So, how does this work?

Logan: Simple. You focus on creativity, like normal, but you also must focus on not actually going. It requires some diversion of power, but I am confident with all of us, we can send Virgil safely to Roman's room.

Thomas: Alright... are you ready Virge?

Virgil: Yes! The more you ask the less I am! Let's just go!

*one by one they close their eyes as they speak.*

Thomas: You got this bud.

Patton: We believe in you, kiddo.

Logan: We are here to back you up.

Remus: Don't suck!

Janus: ... I send with you terrible luck.

*With a small sad smile, Virgil closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He slowly sinks out. After a moment he cries out a little in pain before blinking his eyes open to pure white. Like the time Roman drew a blank.*

Virgil: What the...

*He looks around a bit.*

Virgil: Uh... hey Princy? You here dummy? ...Please...

Janus' voice: Finally! get out of here. It's my turn!

Virgil: Wha- Janus you promised! You piece of sh-

Remus' voice: no no! My turn! I brought my Mace!!!

Patton's voice: We really should try something else..

Logan's voice: How severely disappointing.

Thomas' voice: Listen to me! I am in charge here, I know what's right.

Virgil: no.... No... no no no no No No NO! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! YOU'RE NOT REAL I-

Virgil's voice: *scoff* No one needs you or believes in you. Some hero you are.

Virgil: *Weak voice* ...What... where am I?

*suddenly overlapping*

Janus' voice: I'm better than you. Even Thomas thinks so.

Patton's voice: Stop it! Just stop...

Logan's voice: you had one job and you blew it? Why don't you listen to me?

Remus' voice: I'm better! I'm better! *Maniacal laughter*

Virgil's voice: it would be better without you here.

*now at the end a very clear line.*

Roman's voice: Pathetic. You are not needed here. Or even wanted.

Virgil: Roman!! Roman where-

Roman's voice: Give up. You're nothing but a coward.

Virgil: Roman, please!!

Roman's voice: you're easily the least favorite. Even after Remus.

Virgil: *on the verge of tears* ROMAN!! PLEASE WHERE ARE YOU? ANSWER ME!!

Roman:*suddenly appearing, looking very out of sorts.* Get out.

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