Part 6

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Back in the living room

Thomas: No way!

Patton: Yes way! Then I said: You never know, 'till you dump the crackers in the cheese!

*The two of them laugh and Logan sighs. Thomas' laughter very suddenly and obviously increases*

Patton: ah-hah... after that-

Thomas: Patton hold on a second!

Patton: Oh, sure! What is it Kiddo?

Thomas: I... just am hungry.

Patton: Oh, I feel ya.

Thomas: Want me to make some pizza rolls for us?

Patton: You know what? I'll make 'em for ya.

Thomas: Thanks, pops!

*Patton walks to the kitchen with a huge smile.*

Logan: ...Thomas?

Thomas: Yeah?

Logan: Are you feeling alright?

Thomas: Of course! I've been feeling great!

Logan: Are you... still worried about Roman?

Thomas: Of course I guess. But Virgil's on it so it'll probably be fine.

Logan: ... Patton! Drop the pizza rolls!

Patton: What? What's wrong?

Logan: It seems Virgil has managed to learn how to lock his room.

Patton: What?

Thomas: That's so cool! How? Also, where are the pizza rolls?

Patton: Oh, I see... should we check on them?

Logan: Not yet, but let's look after Thomas a little more closely now that he is missing two pieces of himself.

Thomas: Three actually! Janus is in Virgil's room!

Patton: Oh no! Really??

Thomas: Nope. Just messing with you. See? I can lie.

*Patton and Logan look concerned...*

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