Part 5

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In Virgil's room

Virgil: Right... So how does this work?

Janus: I don't know why you're asking me.

Virgil: I'm not! I'm thinking out loud!

Janus: Oh dear, well, I suppose I'll be quiet then.

Virgil: Just- look around for something out of place.

Janus: Well... I certainly am out of place.

Virgil: Shut up and help me.

Janus: Alright! Someone isn't having fun.

*Virgil scowls and they look around for a moment.*

Janus: Ah...

Virgil: What now?

Janus: Could it perhaps be the bright red sparkling lock sitting over there?

Virgil: What??

Janus: I suppose that is what your royal highness would make it look like.

*Virgil picks it up. It turns dark purple.*

Virgil: Woah...

Janus: What's so surprising?

Virgil:... Try holding this.

*Janus takes it with a straight face.*

Janus: Now what?

Virgil: Don't you feel it??

Janus: No, I don't.

Virgil: Try taking off your gloves.

*Janus stares almost threateningly*

Virgil: Come on! It's not like I haven't seen your hands before.

*Janus hesitates a second longer before pulling his right glove off. He holds it again.*

Virgil: And?

Janus: ...Still nothing.

Virgil: Try both hands then!

Janus: I think we can stop here.

Virgil: Why?

Janus: It's fairly clear this mechanism only works for the owner.

Virgil: You have to try though.

Janus: *Snappy* I don't have to do anything. Besides, aren't we supposed to be saving Roman?

*Virgil snarls but backs down. There's silence for a second.*

Janus: ...It's been a very long time Virgil.

Virgil: Since what?

Janus: ... A long time indeed. *He puts his glove back on* 

Virgil: Quit being so Cryptic.

Janus: So what did you feel holding this?

Virgil: ... Why should I tell you? Since you wouldn't even try to take off your other glove?

Janus: Then I suppose You'll figure this mystery out by yourself won't you?

Virgil: ...just know that I hate you.

Janus: I take pride in it.

Virgil: ... I can feel the presence of my room. And I feel like it's just... right there.

Janus: telepathic control how pleasant. ... What are you waiting for? Try it out!

*Virgil looks disgusted for a moment then holds the lock with both hands closing his eyes*

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