Part 14

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*The words slow down immensely and Virgil's words echo around. Along with some other quotes from previous episodes along the same lines. Virgil looks down at the lock for a second before throwing it at the ground as hard as he can. He breathes heavily in almost complete silence for a second.*

Roman: ....Why...

*Virgil looks up*

Virgil: Ro! Are you ok?? Can you-

Roman: Virgil...

Virgil: Yes? I'm here, you're ok, you gotta breathe deep 

*he says this partly to himself partly Roman. As Roman starts to breathe he looks less and less like a disaster. Virgil too.*

Roman:... I don't understand...

Virgil: Understanding can come later. Right now, are you ok??

Roman: Yes I'm fine!

Virgil: Can we go back to your room and talk or something?

Roman:...Where's the lock?

*He looks around frantically. Virgil hides the lock*

Roman: Virgil, where is the lock?!

Virgil: It's gone! It doesn't matter!

Roman: B-but Janus! Patton!

Virgil: I told you they won't come! Trust me on this!

Roman: How can I?

Virgil: Um, I don't know, because we are trying to help you???

Roman: We? It can't be 'we!' why would Remus and Janus-

Virgil: Roman, Please. Calm down a little.

Roman: ...Your one to talk.

Virgil:*Slight smile* That's the Princy I know.

Roman: ...Know...

Virgil: No? What do you mean No?

Roman: No! Not No! Know!

Virgil: What are you saying??

Roman: I mean Know! As in 'I know!'

Virgil: Why didn't you say that in the first place??

Roman: I did, Nickname!

Virgil: Ok I get it! Know! What about it?

Roman: Virgil... I apologize. It seems my mind is still frazzled up from all the jumbo.

Virgil: Don't apologize for that! If anything, apologize for locking us out!

Roman: ...I still don't know if I will.

Virgil: You don't know?

Roman: Actually. I definitely know that I'm not. I'm not sorry for locking you so out.

Virgil: Stubborn as ever, huh?

Roman: That being said... Thank you, Virgil.

Virgil: *scoffs* for what?

Roman: Ah, I don't know. I guess coming here and staying after all I've done.

Virgil: Well, there was no way I could leave you in this state. No friend left behind, right?

Roman: ...Hm... I suppose... It's nice to know there's still someone on my side.

*The two of them smile sadly.*

Virgil: Despite what you think... I'm not the only one.

Roman: If you say so.

Virgil: *Amused* Hm.

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