Part 10

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Virgil: Hold on what?

Patton: You can't go again!!

Thomas: You are hurt enough as it is.

Virgil: Am not.

*Janus gently kicks his leg*

Virgil: Ouch! Hey!

Logan: We cannot have you risking any more in this state.

Virgil: But I'm fine! Janus kicked me!

Janus: *under breath* barely.

Thomas: Please Virgil... I need you around...

*Virgil looks agitated and snarls. They all look at him with begging eyes.*

Virgil: ... But Roman-

Janus: Oh shut it about Roman. This is his problem, not yours. We will help, but absolutely not at the cost of another.

Virgil: But it's not even that...

*Janus' snarl turns worried as well. Virgil grinds his teeth.*

Virgil: ...Fine.

*Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

Thomas: Thank you, Virgil.

Virgil: Whatever. Let's just move on. How do we test it then?

Patton: Well the rest of us can try-

Virgil: For how much you all are pushing me not to go, no one else should go either.

Janus: Then we simply won't.

Patton: But Roman!

Logan: Janus has the right idea here. Although he is not voicing it as to cause unease.

Janus: ...Am I really?

Logan: We just have to go straight for Roman.

Thomas: Straight to... you're saying we just try to go again?

Janus: If we make it, we make it. If not, well then he's weaker. Which at this point is the best we can get.

Patton: Even if we do try... who will we send?

Remus: Oh! oh!! Pick me!

Virgil: That doesn't seem like a good idea in any way

Remus: What way? Up way? Three way?

Virgil: I said, any way.

Patton: I agree with Virgil... I highly doubt sending Remus is going to put him in a good mood.

Janus: Is that what we are aiming for? We must decide based on our goal.

Thomas: To get Roman back!

Janus: But what is the approach?

Logan: We can ask him nicely. Or we could threaten him. Guilt-tripping, begging or tricking him.

Remus: Threaten!

Janus: Guilt trip.

Patton: Begging!! And being nice!

Virgil: Tricking him doesn't seem all that bad...

Logan: Alright, calm down everyone. There are plenty of ways to go about this. Thomas? Your opinion?

Thomas: Well... I certainly don't want to hurt him-

Remus: Boring! Too naive if you ask me! Let's hang him from the ceiling! *Janus signals and Remus becomes silent. He looks annoyed*

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