Part 7

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Virgil's room

Virgil:* Open eyes* I'm pretty sure I did it.

Janus: I'd agree.

Virgil: Did you notice anything?

Janus: The room in its entirety disappeared!

Virgil: What??

Janus: I'm just kidding, darling!

Virgil: Don't call me that.

Janus: The area did begin to become cloudy though.

Virgil: ... Right. I want you to leave.

Janus: And I want to make fun of Logan without any repercussions. But Logan is too much of a smart a**, so I suppose neither of us will get what we want.

Virgil: I meant, you leave the room. I try to lock it and you try to come in again.

Janus: Oh, I see! Well... as you wish...

*Janus sinks down and Virgil sighs. He holds the lock again and concentrates. More dramatic music. Suddenly he gasps in pain and partially collapses. Janus appears again*

Virgil: *Panting*

Janus: Well, that wasn't very difficult.

Virgil: Speak.... For... yourself...

Janus: Virgil? Are you alright?

Virgil: Yeah I'm fine...

Janus: What did I say about lying being my specialty?

Virgil: I am fine! I just wasn't prepared.

Janus: ... So it was too much for you to bear?

Virgil: Quit putting me down like that!

Janus: I didn't intend to.

Virgil. Look, go out and try again. I'll be more prepared this time.

Janus: Love, don't push yourself.

Virgil: I'm fine! And don't call me that either!

*Unimpressed, Janus sinks out. The music plays again as Virgil grabs hold of the lock once more. He takes a deep breath and focuses. Again he seems to be struck with pain. He gasps and grits his teeth. The background fades a bit more than before. After a few seconds of shallow breathing, he seems to relax. He lets go of the lock and Janus appears.*

Janus: ...Are you alright?

Virgil: ... Fan...tastic...

Janus: ... So you managed to keep me out.

Virgil: ...Y-yup...

Janus: ...I think that is enough testing.

Virgil: No! No just give me a second...

Janus: I know you want to prove how cool you are but-

Virgil: Shut up.

Janus: This is clearly unsafe. We are missing something, and It would be best to ask Logan for advice-

Virgil: I said shut up!!

Janus:... Trying to play hero, are we?

Virgil: I'm not trying to "play." This is serious! Roman is too important to everyone. To Thomas, Patton, Logan, even Remus! You know that!

Janus: ... That doesn't change the fact you are getting hurt.

Virgil: Why do you care?

Janus: You protect Thomas. As we all do. So, let's return.

Virgil: No! There doesn't seem to be any other option here. I've looked around and concentrating seems to be the only thing I can do, and if this is what Roman is experiencing, I can take it a few times! I don't want him getting anymore hurt than he already is. We tried going multiple times, and I refuse to harm him anymore. He's saved me before, It's my turn to return the favor.

Janus: ...You're very dramatic you know that?

Virgil: So what??

Janus: So...I'm impressed.


Janus: Then, what do you propose we do next?

Virgil: Ugh. Whatever... you go back to the others and try to come all at once.

Janus: Very well. On one condition.

Virgil: That is?

Janus: ... I will first ask Logan his opinion. If he thinks It's dangerous, we won't do it.

Virgil: ...Fine.

Janus: Alright. Stay safe. If it gets too much, let it go.

Virgil: ...

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