Part 13

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Virgil: Roman! You-

Roman: You're not real I know you aren't real.

Virgil: What?

Roman: God, how far have I fallen to start seeing things too?

Virgil: Roman please calm down! I'm real. Try poking me with your sword if you need to.

Roman: Fine! I will!

*Roman begins to swing his sword but stops. Virgil flinches*

Roman: ...what happened to your eyeshadow?

Virgil: Huh? Oh, I uh... splashed water on it.

Roman: ... You're real...

Virgil: How did you figure that out by my eyeshadow?

Roman: If I were hallucinating you would look normal... there would be no point...

Virgil: oh... I see.... I guess... anything that lets you understand it's really me...

Roman:*looks incredibly sad.*... What are you doing here?

Virgil: Uh, bringing you back, duh.

Roman: Why?

Virgil: Because we need you!

Roman: Ha! Fat chance... Emo...

Virgil: Not even a decent nickname, huh?

Roman: Well, I'm terribly sorry you didn't notice that I can no longer come up with anything original.

Virgil: What? Where'd this come from?

*I feel like they would sit down here but idk how that would work in script.*

Roman:... How did you get here?

Virgil: I... Came?

Roman: I don't understand how you got through...

Virgil: Oh, the lock? That's not important right now.

Roman: But it is! If I am to make this perfect, I need to know its every weakness.

Virgil: ... Well, I'm definitely not telling you now.

Roman: Come now. The first good thing I've made in a while and you won't help me?

Virgil: Not if you'll use it to keep us out, no.

Roman: I'm not trying to keep you out.

Virgil: Then what are you doing?

Roman: ....Alright I'm trying to keep you out.

Virgil: Roman-

Roman: Don't ridicule me! This isn't easy you know!?

Virgil: Dude, I haven't even said anything yet.

Roman: But I know what you're thinking!

Virgil: And, what is that?

Virgil's voice: That's so dumb. Running away from your problems like that? Pfft. You're a joke.

Virgil: What the hell was that?

Roman: ...You.

Virgil: *Pinching the bridge of his nose.* Look, can we just talk about this?

Roman: For what purpose?

Virgil: ... Where are we?

Roman: That hardly matters.

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