Patton: What's happening??
*Logan looks extremely concerned.*
Virgil: Come on! We have to figure something out! Something is definitely wrong.
Logan: Virgil, please go through a few deep breaths.
Virgil: Only if someone goes, right now.
Logan: What?
Virgil: You go right now by yourself to check on him.
Logan: Alright, understood. So long as you take a moment.
*Logan sinks down and everyone is quiet. Virgil takes some deep breaths, Patton and Thomas look worried, and Janus looks like he's thinking hard. After a second Logan pops back up. No one speaks as Logan glances around the room confused. He sinks down again. Patton does his 'no no no' thing and Virgil starts counting under his breath. Janus looks between the two. After a good minute, Logan hasn't returned. They calm down again.*
Thomas: ...Guys, what's going on?
Patton: Honestly... I have no idea.
Virgil: I don't care so long as everyone is ok at the end.
Thomas: ... What about you, Janus?
Janus: What about me? I only know as much as you.
Thomas: You look like you've been thinking of something.
Virgil: Probably how to ruin our next move.
Janus: *Slightly too dramatic sigh* Remus also said he sensed Roman wasn't having a great day. And this morning when Roman answered Patton as to how he was feeling...
Patton: Well... he said he's fine!
Janus: Is he?
Virgil: You seriously think he was lying?
Janus: It is my specialty.
*Logan finally pops up again looking confused.*
Patton: How'd it go?
Virgil: Did you find him??
Logan: ... Something is very off.
Virgil: So, you didn't see him?
*Logan nods no. Virgil grits his teeth before turning to Janus.
Virgil: You try.
Janus: I'm sorry, me?
Virgil: Yes. I'm not saying I trust you. I'm just saying you're the only one who hasn't tried yet.
*Janus keeps eye contact with Virgil as he sinks out.
Thomas: What happened Logan?
Logan: You see I... tried to go by myself just like before... and appeared here again. So I went to the mind palace and tried again. And nothing happened. I tried everyone else's room and they worked fine but Roman's...
*Janus reappears.*
Virgil: *Desperately* Anything??
*Janus nods no, regretfully.*
Thomas: I don't understand what's happening guys... I'm scared...
Logan: I know. Just hold on a second. There must be an explanation.
Janus: ... I'd like to ask your permission before I call him.
Thomas: Isn't that what we're trying to do?
Janus: Not Roman. Remus.
Patton: Oh, please no.
Virgil: He will not help right now.
Janus: He is Roman's brother. He may indeed be our best bet right now.
Logan: Can you keep him behaved?
Janus: I'll put him on a leash if you want.
Virgil: Nope. Stop. Don't. Just, make sure he doesn't start pushing Thomas.
Logan: Thomas? Do you think you can bear him?
Thomas: Uh... yeah. I think so... If it's for Roman at least.
Logan: Alright then. Janus, go ahead.
*Janus looks at Patton for a response. He doesn't move for a second.*
Janus: ... If it's not unanimous... I won't do it.
Patton: No it's ok. Call him
Janus: Patton, are you sure?
Patton: Yes... please do it quickly.
*Janus nods then snaps his fingers. Almost instantly Remus is behind the TV.*
Remus: Sup b****s?
Creative Block- A Sander Sides Script!
Fanfic"What is up everybody?" Another video, another dilemma. But today Thomas has a little trouble starting up. Now with everything out of place, what can they do to set things right again? Roman will not get left behind... Have you ever just thought up...