Part 11

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Virgil: No he wasn't!

Thomas: I agree with Patton. It seems he was pointing at you.

Virgil: Well then you don't know him very well. I DO! And he was not talking about me.

Janus: what happened to 'we need to save roman as soon as possible?'

Virgil: Nothing! You-! *he pulls up his hoodie and growls. Janus looks like he did when roman left in the last episode. Regretful, sad, and unimpressed.*

Logan: Let's move on then.

Virgil: ...So Logan, right?

Patton: What about you, kiddo?

Virgil: Me?? *laughs* you seriously want to send me? Just cause Janus said it doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Logan: No, but we need to examine every possibility here.

Virgil: Fine, whatever.

Logan: Let's think pros and cons for both of us. Starting with Virgil.

Patton: Virgil is very understanding!

Janus: Aggressive.

Remus: he could try to seduce Ro- *Janus shuts him up again.

Thomas: Good with words.

Virgil: what are you guys talking about?

Thomas: What's wrong?

Virgil: Me? Understanding?? Good with words??

Logan: Is there something wrong with those claims?

Virgil: uh, yeah!

Logan: Then please enlighten us.

Virgil: I uh- you- I- oh-okay... well... I can barely speak half the time!

Thomas: In normal conversation maybe, but in serious moments, you really can know what to say...

*Whatever you're feeling for however long is completely normal. Not bad, not strange, not stupid/ no one hates you/Yeah, duh! It's not that I haven't changed, but when you reduce a piece of my history to just a phase, you ignore everything that I went through. Who I was when I scared you all the time, in no less real than who I am now.*

Virgil: Hey! Why did I get flashbacks??

Thomas: I don't know it was probably Joan...

Virgil: Grrr... I can't understand people that well!

Patton: Well, you could certainly relate in this case! You are darn good at being sympathetic and you can probably imagine a bit of the loneliness he's feeling. You tried to do the exact same thing!

Virgil: Yeah but I have no clue what it feels like to be betrayed by... Never mind... aggressive! Janus said aggressive!

Janus: What about it?

Virgil: I could snap! He won't want to talk to me at all when I'm mean!

Logan: Yes, it could be looked at as a con, but also a pro. Having the right level of aggression to push him might be needed. He may be able to overcome being too soft.

Patton: Another reason to not choose me!

Virgil: B-but Logan is the one good with words! And he knows how to balance soft and aggressive!

Logan: I disagree. Although I know how to speak, I cannot guarantee I can figuratively touch a person's heart. It is hard for me to sympathize with anyone.

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