Part 16

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Thomas: He... isn't. He was a big reason we managed to get to you...

*Roman gives a tiny gasp.*

Roman: Oh so he's the hero now?! Am I also the villain?

Thomas: There are no heroes or villains in this situation! It's just me! And you guys! And we have to get along!

Patton: If we don't manage to get along... It'll break him up inside...

*Roman scowls*

Logan: The point is, Janus understands your importance and is helping in the effort to get you back.

Janus: You don't have to believe me of course.

Thomas: Ok, let's just move on... we were trying to talk about working as a team like with Vigil.

Roman: Name one example where lying was the right thing to do!!

Janus: Acting. And surprise parties. And ending wars-

Roman: You be quiet!

Logan: He's right though. Deceit is used all the time in everyday life.

Roman: But it shouldn't be! Especially not if it's hurting another!

Logan: No one said anything about hurting others.

Patton: And to be fair... we've learned hurting others can hurt Thomas just as much...

Logan: In that regard, it doesn't make sense for Janus to do such a thing without reason.

Roman: Then what was the reason for trying to lie to Joan the episode you were introduced, huh?

Janus: Well it was exactly what we just suggested. Joan getting upset and therefore upsetting Thomas.

Roman: That can't be the only reason!

Janus: Oh really? Then what else could it be?

Roman: I- uh- I don't know, ok?!

Thomas: It's ok Roman. Calm down.

Logan: It may take some time and new dilemmas before you can truly understand Janus' intentions.

Roman: We can't spare that much time! If he is truly evil, it will be far too late for us to take action!

Logan: That is far from true. As humans, we are constantly evolving. There is no point in time where one could become a set, inflexible, concrete person, and by the same logic, we can always change for the better. There is never a point that could be considered 'too late.'

*Roman sighs, and finally seems to relax for the first time.*

Roman: I suppose.

Thomas: You don't have to be happy with it. But as long as you give it a chance.

Roman: ... Thomas, are you sure about this?

Thomas: Yes. Not like I have much of a choice, but in the end, he's needed here.

Roman: *bows head* If you say so, Thomas.

Logan: We've seen that any side's lack of presence causes a distressing change in Thomas.  So neither of you are to be disposed of.

Roman: Ah, that's why I didn't mean to remove my presence...

Thomas: Roman... without you, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have met Nico, and Sander Sides wouldn't even exist. Not just because of creativity, but because of your presence.

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