Part 4

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Janus: You know the rule.

Remus: What? Right now?

Janus: Yes, right now.

Remus: Fine, whatever.

Janus: Now, anything new on Roman?

Remus: Nope! Nada!

Logan: Would you explain what you felt about Roman today?

Remus: Of course I can! Anything for you Loggy~

*Some odd looks are exchanged*

Remus: So, this morning I went to deliver my morning stabbing...

Thomas: *Whispering* Roman gets stabbed every day?

Virgil: Yeah, we can work on that later.

Remus: And all he said in response was, "Good morning Remus," I mean the audacity!

Thomas: That's bad... how?

Remus: Well, usually he just pulls the knife out, heals himself, ignores me for a while, then calls me a nickname on his way out.

Logan: And he only said hello?

Remus: Yes! I was so shocked I had to leave! Also, he looked like he hadn't slept in days, he was surrounded by lots of paper, mostly crushed up into balls *snort of laughter*, and the stuff I could see was tightly cramped on the page with BLACK PEN.

Patton: Only black pen??


Patton: *Gasp*

Thomas: What? What's wrong??

Janus: Roman likes to write in many bright colors.

Virgil: And fonts.

Patton: Something is definitely wrong.

Logan: I'd personally say it's an improvement, but I suppose that is concerning, considering all the other evidence we have.

Janus: I think it's painfully clear what is going on.

Logan: Agreed.

Thomas: What is it? I don't get it.

Patton: Neither do I!

Logan: Thomas, are you alright with an experiment?

Thomas: Yeah, whatever you need.

Logan: Alright. Close your eyes and think of a random movie scene.

*Thomas does so but begins to squirm*

Patton: What's wrong?

Thomas: Nothing, just uh... ok I got something.

Logan: Now, I'd like you to take that scene out of context, and attempt to build a new story around it.

Thomas: Alright... well... I... I got nothing.

Logan: Please try a little harder. We must figure this out.

*Logan makes eye contact with Janus who nods, then signals at Remus. Remus grins mischievously.*

Thomas: ....oh... Oh god no. *He squirms*

Logan: What is it?

Thomas: Please... I thought you said you'd keep Remus under control... oh god...

Janus: That's enough.

Remus: Come ooonnn

Janus: Be quiet.

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