Part 2

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Janus: *Appears* Sorry about that. I just had to try it, you know?

Patton: *Sniffs*

Janus: Oh, Patton! Darling! I didn't mean to put you in such a terrible position.

Virgil: Sure you didn't.

Thomas: ...Janus? ...Why? ...We were doing so well...

Janus: Ah. I see. Believe it or not, I was not attempting to interfere with anything here.

Virgil: Then I have bad news for you, slimy viper.

*Janus looks almost concerned.*

Logan: Actually, a better comparison would be the North American Racer as their scales are similar in design.

Virgil: Whatever.

Patton: Janus...

*Janus looks over at Patton.*

Patton: Please explain...

Janus: ...I don't expect forgiveness any time soon... but... I was trying to stall time for Roman.

Logan: Come again?

Janus: Of course. *wink*

Logan: *Sigh* Could you repeat yourself?

Janus: ...Of course. *wink*

Patton: Janus... could you...

*Janus' flirty exterior falls.*

Janus: Alright. I've been trying to apologize.

Patton: To Roman?

*Janus nods*

Logan: How so?

Janus: As I said. Stalling for time.

Virgil: Why on earth would Roman want you to do that?

Janus: I'm not entirely sure. With a little help from Remus, I found out he was still getting ready for the episode. At least, that's what he told Remus.

*There's a long silence. Virgil fidgets.*

Virgil: So um... Is someone gonna go check on him?

Thomas: Why? We've already started. We can wait for him.

Virgil: One, Prince is the only one, besides me who needs to get ready for an episode. Two, it takes ten minutes, max.

Thomas: You think... something happened to him?

*Concerned looks are exchanged.*

Logan: We should go check on him.

Thomas: Oh! Are we going on a field trip?? Like in 'Moving On' and 'Accepting Anxiety??'

Patton: Roman's room? Wow, that place is really a cool time lemme tell ya.

Janus: ...

Thomas: Everyone ready?

Logan: I suppose so.

Virgil: Let's hurry up, please.

Janus: I'll stay here. For... no particular reasons.

Thomas: Alright, let's go!!

*One by one they all sink down and the screen fades to black. A moment later they pop back up into the normal living room*

Thomas: ... Well, this is the most similar to my living room so far.

Janus: ... This is your living room.

Virgil: What on earth?

Patton: Did we lose our memory??

Janus: I doubt. You weren't gone for more than a second.

Virgil: Logan, what happened?

Logan: I'm not sure... Thomas, how are you feeling?

Thomas: Um... the same as a minute ago.

Virgil: Can we try again? We need to check on him!

Logan: Right. Thomas, focus extra hard on your creativity. Music, drawing, stories, or dreams. Nico or whatnot.

Thomas: Ok...

*He closes his eyes thinking hard, they sink out again and it fades away. Then once again, they pop back up in the normal room.*

Janus: Well, you seem to be having trouble.

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