Part 9

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Patton: Virgil!!! Virgil are you alright??

Janus: He's far from dead don't worry. He still managed to call me stupid in his current state...

Virgil: arr..e stuppp...

Logan: That is quite something.

Janus: He only seems to hear certain things...

Logan: Drifting in and out of consciousness it seems.

Patton: Did we...?

Janus: *readjusts coat in anger/ awkward and uncomfortable.* I believe so...

Thomas: ... So, do we wait, or start on princy?

Logan: There's no time to waste. We can at least begin thinking of a plan.

*suddenly Virgil grunts and slowly lifts himself up*

Patton: Virgil! Can you hear me??

*with closed eyes Virgil slowly nods. He continues to get up.*

Janus: Don't push yourself, Virge.

Virgil: ...donnnt... call...m'hat...

Logan: Really slow down Virgil.

Virgil: ...Water...

Janus: Someone get water, quick!

Patton: already got it! *tosses it next to Virgil. Surprisingly Virgil catches it in silence Virgil opens the bottle, pours some in his hand, and splashes his face.

Thomas: Buddy, what are you-

Janus: Drink it, honey, please.

Virgil: *clears throat* S- stop the nicknames, ...Janny...

*Janus smiles softly and Virgil drinks some water. The others eye each other. Virgil splashes himself with water again.

Virgil: *still a course voice* How long was I out?

Logan: Barely five minutes I'd say.

Janus: In other words, not long enough... *Virgil splashes again* oh lovvvvvirgil... your eye shadow...

Thomas: Nice save.

Virgil: That's not important right now... What happened?

Patton: What do you mean what happened! We tried to get into your room and failed!

Virgil: Oh, thank god.

Patton: Thank g-.... You passed out!

Virgil: *readjusting and wincing* Yeah well... no harm done right? Right?

*everyone else looks sadly at each other.

Virgil:... Look I didn't sign up for a funeral. What did we learn, Logan?

Logan: Well...that is indeed how Roman seems to be keeping us out.

Virgil: That's it?

Janus: That is the only info we learned yes.

Logan: However. There are many things we can imply from here.

Patton: Like what?

Logan: That Roman must know its weakness. After Virgil passed out, Janus, you entered easily, correct?

Janus: More or less, yes.

Logan: Meaning, he has found some way to stay conscious as we have tried multiple times.

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