Chapter 28

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-Abbi POV-

 I quickly gathered all my gear and anything else I could find that looked of use before I left a post-it note with a quick explanation before setting off to get a jet. Easily finding my way to the leaving bay where all the top range jets were stored I quickly looked for the guy who looked most out of place. I walked over like I owned the place and looked at him expectantly. He seemed to wither under my gaze as he let out a pathetic little squeak as he stuttered, "Do you need something miss?" I glared at the poor guy as I said in a dull voice, "Where's my jet?" He looked around to try and see if their was anybody who could possibly save him as I smirked inside, "You mean to say that you don't have my jet fuelled and ready to go?!" He looked like he wanted to cry as he stuttered out, "No miss, I'll get your jet right now."

Once I had finally got my jet and was on my way to the coordinates sent to me I relaxed back in the chair as I realized that this was it. I might not come out of this mission alive but I would get my family out one way or another.

Pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind as I landed the jet and switched it onto camouflage mode as I surveyed the area. I had seen on the way here a large abandoned building which could be the only possible place. Taking off at a quick jog I reached the building and quickly took down the two men patrolling the outer side, sneaking into the inner room and taking down two more men leaving the room unguarded I made my way to get to them before I realised that they were only tied up and could easily get out. Making my escape I had nearly reached the door when four of his men stood in my path. I tried to take down all of them but one of them managed to hit me on the back of the head and as I went down all of them grabbed me as I was dragged to another area of the building.

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