Chapter 15

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-Abbi POV-

When I woke up I found myself to be in a hospital room with millions of needles going into my arm. But, when I looked closer at what what they were all connected to to I saw lots of IV bags with things like Vitamin A and other such rubbish on them. Even though they were trying took help I pulled them all out as I hated needles and really it was all just making me feel sick.

Once I had pulled the last one out and had them all all out and bandaged my wrists. I went to go and find a mirror and some clothes as hospital gowns don't really suit me. I peaked my head around the door and saw nobody there. So I made as run for it and looked inside every room I passed until I saw one that was all black but looked like it had a girl's touch. Inside there I found a black outfit for myself and saw a mirror.

I really did look terrible. My skin was really pale and I was deathly thin. I really needed for eat more. I put my head in my hands trying to forget about all of it, I just wanted a moment of silence in my head. Suddenly I heard a voice saying, "Hello again." I turned around and saw Mrs. Barton standing there. I stared at her but, she didn't make a move to hurt me and I could cathetering tears remember her from when I was trapped by my memories. I stared at her as I said, "I did actually mean that Thank you back there. I mean for everything." She looked at me a bit surprised that I showed some emotion. She looked at me for a while none of us talking until she said, "You can talk to me if you want to. I haven't got the best past myself but I know it's better if you share it rather than keep it locked away inside destroying your soul."

She looked actually sad to see me like this but then again she could be faking. But I believe her.

And suddenly I couldn't stop it anymore. I ran up and hugged her her with tears poring own my face as I remembered again. And just like she promised, she held me and didn't let me go until I had stopped crying.

Once I had taken a deep breath I said, "OK." She replied back, "If you want to." I said, "Yes but, only you as I don't trust the others yet." She nodded and I began.

My full name is Abbigale Carter Sorin. I am 13 and I am an agent at Secret Shadow. They took me in once my parents who were scientists were assassinated. I should have been brought here because I can control the elements, I can change into any animal I want to and I have a vast knowledge of how to use guns and knives. But, I was taken there instead because all I had ever know in my life before I was 5 the day my parents had died was pain. They used their experiments to cause harm and not good and I was always their subject so I was immediately taken there so I could get specialist help who are more advanced than any of the people here. Once they finally decided I had gotten over it even though I hadn't and was just acting, they didn't know what to do. So I stayed there and helped for a while until I made some friends. They decided that I could be trusted enough to go out with them and help so I did. It was all going well until we had to do an undercover mission to take down a group of drug-lords who have over 100 cases filed against them for theft, murder, rape, extortion and just about anyhing else you can think of. They found out who we were. I don't know how they ever found out but the head guy who you have met called Mick was told. He caught us all as we were trying to leave and managed to take us all down with 20 of his men. They killed Eva on the spot as she hesitated to move. My other friend then tried along with me to escape until we were knocked out. He tortured us both trying to get information on what we know about him. Sophie then was murdered right in front of me as they thought I was the weakest and would crack after seeing them both killed. I didn't tell them anything so they continued to torture me. I nearly died on five occasions as they tried drowning me, stabbing me, suffocating me, burning me and crushing me under all their weight, but yet I didn't give them anything. I finally found a way to escape and I did and I ended up on Mr. Stark's boat. Mick now wants to personally kill me in the meanest way possible for the longest he can make it to get me to give him answers before I die.

After saying all that I couldn't stop myself anymore and cried my eyes out until my body couldn't handle it anymore and I shut down.

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