Chapter 49

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-Abbi POV-

Personally I thought I had done a pretty good job with my mission and it was clear that Pepper, Natasha and Darcy were also enjoying it along with me. That was until Clint and Tony came back and threw a massive hissy fit over it before chucking all the men out which was really quite rude. That made all of us women very angry and all the girls with significant others banned them from the bedrooms for a month which was hilarious to see as they interpreted what they had just heard. Oh course, they then all changed their minds on what was happening and tried to beg them for forgiveness, but yeah like we were actually going to forgive them for that.

Sadly the day was also coming closer to when I would have to deal with that stupid therapy session that everyone was insisting that I go through,

but for once life was finally looking up, and I'll be happy to stay here for the rest of my life.

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