Chapter 47

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-Nat POV-

So we had finally arrived at Gatwick airport which had taken ages and me and Clint were now observing Abbi whilst she was impatiently waiting for her stuff to come through. I got to admit that it is hilarious seeing her standing their tapping her foot and half growling but I managed to contain my laugh and only smirk. Clint didn't do so well and he ended up being glared at which was even funnier as he glared at me for smirking at him now.

When our bags finally came through and we went out to the car that Clint and I had hired. Abbi stopped as soon as she saw it and stared at it for about 5 minutes before she continued as if nothing had happened. I told Clint that she would like it as I smirked at Clint, even though he was trying to give me the puppy dog eyes he was still smirking as it was really quite funny.

Once we got in the car with Clint driving we (me and Abbi) decided that it was quite nice here and just really engaged in small talk. that all changed though when we finally had enough of Clint's driving and ganged up on him finally telling him that he was going the wrong way. but no, he has to say that he does know where he's going even though we were clearly lost with no idea on where to go and won't check a map. That idiot, we finally got to the b&b late at night and I was surprised that they still let us in and that it was even open at that time of the night. I think it might have been something to do with Abbi being dead on her feet though that encouraged the owner to let us in. We all finally went to bed as quite honestly Abbi needed some sleep and we could decide on things to do tomorrow as right now there were more pressing matters, one being sleep.

-Abbi POV-

I woke up to see a strange looking room with another bed across from the one I was on with 2 person sized lumps underneath the covers, then I remembered where I was. I jumped out and started making myself a cup of tea with the supplies the room had left before I went over to the other bed and grabbed hold of the covers. I then pulled and laughed when they both ended up on a heap on the floor. I realized after that, that possibly everyone else in the b&b might not have wanted to be woken up. Oh well, they can survive getting up at the good early time of- I looked at the alarm clock on the side- Opps, half seven in the morning. They can all be early risers hopefully.

Once both Mum and Dad had gotten up properly by now and we were all dressed for the day we ventured downstairs. The lady who we had seen last night smiled at us as we all cautiously entered the room. I smiled back and bounced in. Don't blame me, I can't help it if I am slightly hyper. I went and sat down at the table they had over at the side as Mum and Dad followed my lead.

We then ordered breakfast for all of us- full English breakfast for all, except I have a slightly smaller plate size- and discussed what we were going to do today. We ended up with a list of things that we were going to do whilst we were here.

It reads as follows:

>Go to an old amusement park

>Go to the beach

>Go to a castle

>Go shopping

>Visit Harry Potter world

>Go on the London eye

>Visit the Natural History Museum

>Go to Stonehenge

>See Big Ben

>Visit the Tower of London

>Go to the Tate Gallery

>Science Museum

>The O2 Centre


>Cadbury World of Chocolate

Well, we would have to prioritise all of this and find a way to get around the country to see everything in the best way possible.

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