Chapter 22 - Sick Day

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(Sun's POV)

It takes a moment for me to even realise that I'm awake after my eyes open - the room around me is still dark, though dim slivers of light that leak through the curtains along with the sound of Lillie's gentle breathing beside me telegraphs to me the fact that I'm awake and conscious once again. I groan groggily, rubbing the sleep out of my half-open eyes and shuffling up slightly in bed.

My eyes adjust to the low light levels and I quickly come to terms with the assortment of nasty feelings in my body - my chest and throat both feel rough, and there's that gross, tight feeling within my neck as I swallow. It's not painful, but there's undoubtedly some ache in a variety of muscles... and my entire body, even my face, is irritatingly warm. I reach through the darkness, my hand fumbling around my bedside table until I find my phone. Thankfully, the screen reports the time - 5:34am - when I pick it up without me needing to turn the display on. Burning the retinas in my eyes with a bright phone screen is not another thing I need to feel in the early hours of the morning.

Still a little dazed, I relax my head back against my pillows and stare up at the ceiling. I slept for a long time, considering how early I fell asleep yesterday evening. Looks like Lillie took care of everything yesterday, as she said she would. I glance across at my sleeping girlfriend - I can just about see her peaceful face positioned in my direction, her cheek pressed against her pillow slightly. As usual, there's no stopping the admiring smile that pours onto my face when I look at her. My thoughts are interrupted, however, when I feel my stomach rumble slightly. Right. I didn't eat anything yesterday evening since I was asleep. There's a ruffling sound from the bed covers as I gradually slip my legs out of the side of the bed and onto the cold wooden floor. I need to get up for a bit.

It's slightly nerve-wracking, trying to get out of bed without disturbing Lillie or Delta, the Lycanroc still sleeping soundly on the end of the bed - but I manage to do it, and creep across the room to the door.
The wooden door squeaks ever so slightly as I pull it open. My body aching and heavy, I drag myself into the main room as quietly as I can without bothering to close the door behind me in fear of creating unnecessary noise. I tiptoe across the room to the kitchen, glancing through the early-morning darkness and just about being able to make out the figures of the Pokémon sleeping around the room - among them is Lillie's Ninetales and Lycanroc, Feathers, as well as the other of my own Lycanroc, Roxy, all sleeping in their desired spots on the sofas. I take care with each slow step I take along the cold floor, clenching my teeth on the occasional creak that arises from the wood. Some early light trickles through around the edges of the closed curtains around the room, but not nearly enough to make the room even somewhat bright as I reach the kitchen and carefully retrieve a glass from the cupboard, disturbing the silence briefly by filling it with tap water. The silence becomes only more eerie when I turn the tap off to listen to it - and I almost drop the glass into the sink out of fright when I hear Rotom whisper from next to me.
"Bzzt! Hey, Sun."
I gasp sharply, spinning on my heel to see the Rotom Dex hovering beside me. I take an exasperated deep breath, and hold my palm against my chest out of shock.
"Jeeez, Rotom. Don't do that."
My voice, even though kept exceptionally quiet, rattles with a noticeably croaky tone to it. Clearing my throat only makes it more painful, so I take a sip of my glass of water - but swallowing it doesn't do much good either, it just feels uncomfortable.
"Zzzsorry, heh," Rotom replies quietly. "What are you doing up so early, Zzsun?"
I drink the glass of water down to the last drop, satisfying my thirst and putting the empty glass back on the side.
"Woke up feeling hungry. I don't feel too good," I groan, grabbing a couple of berries and taking a bite out of one. I can't even tell which two berries I pick up through the darkness until I bite into them, but I'm not picky, so it doesn't really matter.
"Hmm... It does zzseem like you have a high temperature - you might have developed a cold. Maybe you should take zzsome medicine?" Rotom suggests. Leaning against the counter, I chew the berry in my mouth and grunt lightly when I swallow it. An urge to cough suddenly appears, and so I cough dryly into my shoulder as quietly as I can before looking back at Rotom through the darkness.
"I'm alright for now, maybe later. I'm going back to bed," I whisper, taking one more berry from the basket and nibbling at it as I slowly creep back towards my bedroom.
"Zzt, good call. Night, Sun."

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