Chapter 13 - New Light

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"Do you think they'll actually get any information out of that card?" Lillie asks as our feet thud against the smooth floor of Aether Paradise in perfect unison.
"I hope so. It's our best shot at tracking down whoever is running this show," I reply. She laughs briefly as we make our way inside.
"Imagine if it was just some keepsake that the grunt was holding on to," she jokes.
"That would kinda suck." I admit with a sheepish laugh. We pass by many workers and visitors alike, and there are even a few trial-goers being shown around the ever-growing wonders of Aether paradise. It's just another regular day at the place. We step onto the elevator and Lillie folds her arms as I push the button to take us down to the lower levels.

"I wonder how Gladion and mother are doing," she murmurs in absent thought. "Oh no, what if Gladion ran into a group of those Team Skull thugs..."
Sensing her panic, I instinctively wrap my arms around her. "Shhh, I'm sure he's fine. Gladion is more than capable of handling himself, we both know that."
She squeezes back tightly, nuzzling her forehead against my shoulder.
There's a slight pause as she continues to cling onto me tightly.
"... Are you alright, Lil?" I ask, rubbing her back gently. She pokes her head out from my shoulder.
"Hmm? Yeah, sorry. I just wanted a cuddle." She giggles, leaning back into my shoulder and squeezing my body softly in her embrace.
"Aww," I chuckle. I kiss the side of her head. "Cutie."

At last, our elevator comes to a stop and we step outside.
"Come on, let's see if we can find your mom. Any idea where she might be?"
Lillie shrugs in response, before pointing at a random door.
"Let's check Sector A first," She suggests.
The familiar, quiet atmosphere fills the hallway, and we come to a stop at the first lab, knocking against the door before entering. The door slides open as we enter, and a terrible smell lingers in the air as we catch sight of something that causes Lillie to force a hand over her mouth quickly to fight the urge to throw up. In the centre of the laboratory is a deceased Nihilego, it's limp corpse flopped face-up on a surgery table and a few of its soggy tentacles hanging over the edge. The scientist turns to face us, removing a surgical mask to reveal the greeting smile of the one and only Wicke.
"Wooahhh... sorry Miss. Wicke, are we interrupting?" I cough, my intrigued yet horrified eyes fixated on the Ultra Beast.
"Miss Lillie, Master Sun! It's good to see you both again. Do not worry, I'm not carrying out anything too important. Is there something you need?" She asks, turning her attention briefly back to the beast only to pull a sharp dissection tool out of its open body, causing a small eruption of blue alien blood which oozes over the edge of the table.
"We were just looking for the president, do you know where she is?" Lillie replies quietly.
"Oh, of course. Madam Lusamine is in Lab 2B, it's in the corridor on the opposite side of the lift. I would walk you over there, but I'm not allowed to leave my subject unattended," Wicke replies with a small laugh, gesturing to the Nihilego.
"Of course, it's no problem! We can find our way there," Lillie smiles. "A-and about that Ultra Beast?" She asks nervously.
"Ah, this fine specimen was collected from your expedition to Ultra Space a few months ago... unfortunately, it was already deceased when we collected it. Still, they are wonderful creatures, and we've been able to learn much from their corpses. Currently, I'm studying the creature's ability to transport toxins around its body," Wicke explains.
"I'm surprised that you still have samples left after all this time," I chuckle, folding my arms.
"Not to worry, we have been carrying out a couple of... cautious expeditions in more recent times. Your accident in their dimension helped us improve our methods at least, and so we've been able to survey a little more of their world as well as collect more samples. You get used to the odour after a few autopsies," she smiles gently.
"Oh, interesting! We should talk again soon about your research," Lillie smiles. "But we should go and find the president... it's quite urgent," she continues in a more saddened tone.
"Of course! Stop by anytime," Wicke says with a nod, replacing her surgical mask over her mouth and turning back to the Ultra Beast.
"See you, Wicke!" I wave, before heading with Lillie towards lab sector B.

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