Chapter 7 - Contact

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(Lillie's POV)

I stand rather nervously upon the natural platform of which I have been standing at for the past 15 minutes or so, and my concern for Sun is growing - he flew off with his Dad elsewhere in the canyon, and has been gone for nearly 8 minutes now. I have no idea as to what he is doing, and I can't help but worry myself about what terrible things could have happened to them. The ethereal snowflakes fall entrancingly slowly from the sky, a phenomena that's supposed to be... impossible in a place like Alola. But Sun's jacket keeps me warm. Not really because of the physical insulation, but more because it's... his. It's soft, and warm, and the pleasant, comforting scent that is exclusively Sun's seems to cling to it. I love it, although it does make me think more and more as to what he's doing... at least I have Mom here for company. Although I'm starting to seriously consider going out to find him... sighing with discomfort, I try and peer toward the ledge at which they landed at a few minutes ago.
"Are you okay, Sweetie?" Mom suddenly asks softly. She has been busy reading something in a leaflet that Sun's father handed her prior to the race.
"I'm worried about them... what do you think they're doing?" I ask sheepishly, somewhat frustrated with myself for getting so wound up in worry in the first place.
"Ah, don't worry. They haven't forgotten about us! Let's just say... Sun's dad has a nature of being easily distracted, so I'm sure they've found something interesting," Mom chuckles. "Good to know he hasn't changed," she adds quietly with a small smile. There is a slight pause, before I anxiously produce my next sentence.
"Can we go after them? I just can't help but worry that he's in some kind of... danger..."
"I wouldn't worry, dear. But of course, let's head over to them. Let's just... remind them that we're still here," Mom laughs. I manage a smile, influenced by Mom's comforting and reassuring nature. Sun's mother is so lovely. That's not to say that my own mother isn't, but I sometimes wish that I had someone like Sun's Mom to go to when my own mother went insane all those years ago. I know that mother went through a lot after... dad... and that she didn't mean all that she did... but the consequences her actions had affected so many lives on such a massive scale. Though, saying that, I suppose those lives weren't all affected in bad ways. Perhaps I never would have met Sun if it wasn't for what happened in my life. The world is a complicated place.

I scramble up the rock to the right, with Mom right behind me. I can see now the cave that they entered, but... I can't understand what intrigued them so much. I cautiously make my way across a rickety wooden bridge, which I never would have been able to cross a few years ago. A small giggle escapes through my lips, as I think back on the memory.
I'm able to traverse along a fairly narrow stretch of rock along the edge of the cliffside, which should bring Mom and I to the entrance of the cavern.
"Wait for me, Lillie!" Mom pants from behind me, trying to keep up whilst simultaneously trying to balance speed with caution.
"Sorry! Guess I'm just a little too eager..." I giggle, rubbing the back of my neck. "Are you okay back there?"
"Yes, thank you dear. Are you sure that this is where they went?" Mom asks, gesturing towards the mouth of the cave. I nod with confidence.
"I am certain of it," I reply.

(Sun's POV)
I growl aggressively and squirm as the grunt muffles me with his arm. I attempt to break free, but to no avail. Dad grunts in surprise too, as the grunts which have seized us take us out of the way of the cave entrance. The grunts ignore our struggling and the grunt who is occupying me is the first to speak.
"Aw man, what do we do with these guys? We didn't prepare for trouble..."
Another of the four grunts turns away from a large device to face us.
"Let's just hand em' into the boss, he'll know what to do! Besides, we got the champion here, we'll get paid a fortune! And we've got this... old guy? Hey, who are you anyway?" He asks. Dad stares at the ground, his head low but his face amused. He chuckles with a small smile.
"Naw, don't mind me, lads. I'm just an old guy."
The other two grunts glance at eachother anxiously.

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