Chapter 6 - Mystery Canyon

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Warm, vibrant colours. The powerful collision of the salty breeze against my face. And the warm embrace of the most amazing girl in the entire world around my waist... yeah. These are the same, familiar sensations I experience day in and day out. But do I ever get bored of them? No. Never. Because these are the flavoursome sensations that make the world turn.

I take a deep breath of the rushing air as my hair flows behind me in the wind, and turn my head to Lillie as Charizard powers effortlessly through the mellow morning sky.
"Enjoying the ride back there? Not going too fast, am I?" I check. Lillie beams back with an adorable smile, her teeth gleaming and her happy eyes closed as she shows off the smile that warms my soul.
"Not at all! Isn't a stunning morning?" She exclaims with remarkable excitement. I nod with a grin.
"Gotta agree with that. Alola is always beautiful, but today..." I gaze down at the sea about sixty metres below us, which is a vibrant shade of dawn-orange due to the perfect reflection of the morning sun off the water. Coincidentally, I catch a glimpse of a few Luvdisc leaping out of the water, and subsequently turn back to Lillie.
"Today is particularly magical, wouldn't you say?" I smile, gazing into her wonderful eyes. She smiles and sighs a happy sigh, before tightening her grip around my waist and thrusting her warm body against mine in a love-filled cuddle.

We approach the south-face of Melemele Island, and Charizard consequently spreads his wings out and glides down towards the surface to land. As always, he lands with precision in the same spot outside the house. With that, the roaring of the wind ceases and near-silence returns to the world, the only sounds being that of the cute tweeting of the local Pikipek and the crashing waves of the ocean behind us.
I hop off of Charizard's back after Lillie, and pet the mighty Pokemon's neck with my hand before proceeding to rest my forehead gently against it.
"What a creature of habit you are, huh?" I chuckle, rubbing Ember, (the nickname I assigned to my Charizard), along his neck. The huge but emotionally-soft beast grunts in return, and nuzzles his large head against me, closing his eyes. I smile and take my backpack off, retrieving a Poké Bean as a reward for Ember.
"Thanks again for the hard work big guy," I say gratefully while tossing the Poké Bean up into Ember's mouth.
"Yeah! Thank you, Ember!" Lillie says too. "Sun, do you think Charizard is ready for the event later?" She continues. I tilt my head in question.
Lillie sighs and shakes her head. "You know, the little competitive event you promised him? The race, silly!" She giggles, wrapping her arms around me.
"O-oh, yeah, right... aheh," I stutter, almost forgetting about the race I had planned with Dad for later today. "Yeah, I'm sure Ember's hyped for it, right buddy?" I ask, turning my attention back to the Charizard who, as always, exhibits the same excited behaviour upon hearing the key word 'race'.
"I guess so, then," Lillie laughs. She gently pushes herself off of my body, and stands on her feet. "Should we go in, then?" She asks. I nod and return Ember to his Poké Ball, before stepping up into the house to see Mom and Dad.

"Hi Mom, hey Dad," I call, cleaning my shoes on the doormat and proceeding to kick them off to one side.
"Good morning, you two!" Mom says, rushing up to us at the door and delivering the typical welcome-home hug.
"Morning, Sun! Hi Lillie! Did you two have a... satisfactory night together?" Dad chuckles with an intentionally smug grin. Lillie, as usual, giggles and blushes a bit, while I just avoid the question with a sheepish laugh.
"What about Saber, Dad? I hope he's well-rested for the race today," I mention.
"You can count on it. Don't know why you're so enthusiastic about this race, I think we both know who the fastest Charizard currently alive is,"
"Remind me again how long you've known Ember?"
"Long enough to know he's no match for this guy," dad fires back with a laugh, tossing Sabertooth's Poké Ball up into the air and catching it again in his hand.
"There's only one way to find out," Mom adds, cutting into the conversation. "When are you planning to get this race started, anyway?"
Dad and I look to eachother.
"Now?" We both suggest in perfect unison, to which we both burst out laughing.
"Aheh, right! Then let's get going!" Dad announces with an adventurous smile.
We head outside, and I release Charizard from his Poké Ball just as my father unleashes Sabertooth. Lillie hops over to me excitedly, adjusting the cute backpack that she wears on her back.
"I'll ride with Sun, then!" She chirps. With that, Lillie and I climb onto Ember, whilst Mom and Dad saddle up on Sabertooth. As Dad secures the reins of the fabled shiny dragon, he sticks his hand up in the air jokingly to indicate that he has a question.
"Uh, Sun, question,"
I laugh a little. "Yes, Dad?"
"Where exactly is this famous 'Poni Canyon' that you speak of?"
"The canyon occupies a big part of Poni Island, you'll know it when you see it. Just follow my lead and try to keep up," I laugh quietly.
"Keep up? Sun, I could fly to another region on this guy by the time you get to this island," he laughs.
"We'll find out soon enough," I reply with a smirk. "Come on, just stay behind me. It's not far."
With that, I take Ember up into the sky first, followed by Saber, Dad and Mom a moment later.

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