Chapter 2 - More Than A Gift

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"No, Lillie, there's something I need to tell you,"
My breathing was quick and my cheeks were flushed red.
"I-I'm listening, Sun," she stuttered. Her voice was quiet and cute, as it naturally is.
I remember how the sun sat still in the sky over our heads, and how the quiet sounds of Pokémon echoed around Ten Carat Hill.
"Lillie... there is something I should have told you, when we first met..." I say, struggling for words. "Without you, I would never have become champion. I would never have had the adventure we had! And when you left for Kanto, Lillie... Alola became lonely," My heart was pounding in my chest, and her eyes... the way they sparkled, the way I could somehow remember all the good times that we shared just by staring into them.
"But now, you're back, this is the happiest moment of my life. Lillie..." I swallow in nervousness. I know that after I said those words, there would be no going back. This is it. "I love you, Lillie."
And I meant it.

With a quiet gasp, I wake up. I breathe gently, and rest my head against the pillow, smiling at the memory. The faint sounds of rustling trees and the tweets of Pikipek's can be heard outside in the cold December morning. The bedsheets are a pleasantly cool temperature, and I feel like I slept pretty well last night. I take a deep breath of the warm air and close my eyes.
I'll never forget that day.
I remember how I used to see Lillie in my dreams every night after she left to Kanto. Sometimes those dreams were full of happy memories and hope, other times they were haunted with regret and depression.
Still laying in bed, I glance at Lillie, who's happily fast asleep, breathing quietly and gently. Her arms are tightly wrapped around me, and she rests her head against my shoulder. I smile.
Oh, Lillie...
Being careful not to wake her up, I slowly pry her arms off of me, and creep out of bed, stretching as the rays of sunlight spill onto my chest. I sneak quietly into the kitchen, to find that mom is also still in bed. I check the time on the clock, which reports the time as exactly 8:22. Staring out of the window at the snow, I put on the kettle to make some warm drinks, which seem pretty necessary this morning.
Quietly, I carry two mugs of Tapu Cocoa into our bedroom, to see Lillie awake and sat up in bed. She has the bedcovers wrapped up around her chest, and she smiles as I enter.
"Good morning," I whisper with a smile, handing her a mug of Tapu Cocoa. "Ahem, or should I say, happy Christmas?" I laugh.
"Thank you! And happy Christmas to you too," she replies before taking a few sips of the warm drink.
"No problem. Sleep well?"
"I sure did! Although another few minutes wouldn't hurt..." she smiles, placing her mug of Tapu Cocoa down and signalling for me to get into bed next to her.
"I think I'll take you up on that," I grin, climbing into bed next to her and pulling the covers over me.
A few minutes later, I hold her in her arms and she has her head rested against my thorax, our eyes closed.
"Sun?" She asks suddenly.
"Do you know what the time is?"
I check my watch on my wrist, before snuggling back into her.
"It's about half-past eight," I reply.
"Thank you," Lillie replies, sighing happily.
A moment passes, and the whole world seems silent.
"So, what do you want to do today?" I ask huskily, resting my head stilly against the pillows. She considers for a moment.
"Well... I'd like to see Gladion and mother, maybe play out in the snow a bit, but more than anything I... want to spend time with you," she whispers, seductively staring into my eyes with her piercing green ones.
"Sounds good to me," I chuckle. She smiles, and rests her forehead against my shoulder, before we close our eyes and enjoy the warmth of eachothers bodies for a few more minutes.
As Lillie and I lay half-asleep in bed together with our breathing in perfect sync, there is the faint sound of footsteps - followed by Lillie's Rockruff diving up onto our bed excitedly.
"Good morning, you," I laugh. Rockruff bounces around and eagerly laps at Lillie's face, causing me to chuckle.
"Okay, okay, I'm awake!" She laughs, holding Rockruff gently in her arms.
"He's the best alarm clock in the world, isn't he!" I laugh.
"He definitely gets us up on time, that's for sure," she sighs. Rockruff let's out a cute barking sound, and hops down off the bed to go and wake up Feathers, probably. I sigh happily, and kiss Lillie on the side of her face which isn't covered in Rockruff's drool.
"Well then, time to get up," I groan, before climbing out of bed and grabbing some of my clothes from my wardrobe. Lillie gets up too, wiping off some of Rockruff's drool from her face.
"Phew... just gonna go to the bathroom for a sec, get the little guy's slobber off of my face," Lillie giggles, before wandering towards the door.
"Alright, I'll be in the living room!" I call after her.

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