Chapter 15 - Skeleton Key

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I enter the living room to find Dad gazing out of the window, holding a cup of what I assume is Komala Coffee, judging by the fresh scent in the air. Mom's sat on the sofa with the newspaper, but she smiles and gives me the typical Alolan wave as she sees me come into the room.
"Good morning!"
"Morning mom, morning dad," I reply warmly, returning the wave. Dad turns to me, flashing a smile and giving that two-finger-salute-wave thing that he always does. Feathers chirps happily, hopping over to me for a hug.
"Alola kiddo, did you sleep well? How's Lillie?"
"She's good, we slept well. She's just getting changed now, she always takes longer to get up," I say with a grin, petting Feathers' head softly before heading over to the kitchen and getting some glasses out of the cupboard.
"That's a lie, she's usually up way before you," Mom scoffs.
"Hah, some things never change," Dad chuckles, placing down his empty mug on the counter in front of me and leaning against the surface casually. "Oh, and take a look outside Sun," he adds suddenly, pointing to the window behind him. "Now it looks like what the brochures were showing off,"
I step away from the kitchen and towards the front window to see that, sure enough, every cubic millimetre of snow is now completely gone. The tropical Alolan sunshine beams down over a cloudless blue sky, reflecting off the surface of the seemingly endless ocean beyond.
"Woah..." is all I manage to say for a few moments. Somehow, after years of living here, I'm still captivated by the exact same view, the exact same ocean and the exact same sun. I turn and smile at Dad. "Impressed yet?"
"That's one way to put it. I've never seen anything like this in any other region, nevermind Kanto," he replies, joining me in enjoying the view and watching it with sparkling eyes.
"Well, the snow was nice while it lasted," mom chips in. "But it's good to have the classic Alolan weather back," she admits. I head back over to the kitchen, pouring a mixture of ice-cold fruit juices into two glasses, one for Lillie when she's ready. After a moment, dad returns to his position in leaning on the counter.
"About that," he says, a curious expression crossing his face as he folds his arms on the counter. "I've been thinking, how did Alola get all of that arctic weather all of a sudden? From what I've heard, it's pretty much never been seen before in this region,"
Dad asks a good question, one I'm surprised more people haven't asked.
"Good question, I only learnt the answer to that the other day," I begin, pausing only to take a bag of Pokémon food out of a different cupboard. "So, you remember I told you about the ultra wormholes?" I continue, filling Feathers' bowl up with food and placing it down for him.
"Well, according to the scientists at Aether, the cold weather we were having was an unnatural weather pattern that came about as a result of an ultra wormhole forming in the upper atmosphere. They're guessing that some freezing cold dimension on the other side was somehow interacting with the weather patterns here... or something. I don't know the exact science, but that's what I know," I explain. Roxy, Alpha and Lillie's Lycanroc have all come up to me now, all of them wanting their morning affection and breakfast.
"I see... this Ultra Space stuff sounds awesome, can we go there sometime?" Dad asks, intrigued. "I've seen and done many things, but visiting alien dimensions is something I've yet to tick off,"
I laugh gently, filling the Pokémon's labelled bowls with food and serving them up.
"Ultra Space is a broad term. The only reason I don't visit way more often is because people worry about me going, and... well, I guess it is dangerous. Ultra Space isn't just an alien world, it's some... network of space, connecting endless worlds and universes together, each one completely different and bizarre. I try not to think about it too much, it's... something weird, and barely understood. But it's also so tempting..." I explain, my voice trailing off. Dad nods slowly, his demeanour shifting to one slightly more serious.
"You're right, the most important thing is that you stay safe. And you know how rare it is for me to give that as advice," he laughs, before gesturing excitedly. "And you still have a lot of stories to tell me about Ultra Space, don't forget,"
"I won't forget," I reply, just as Lillie walks in from the bedroom. "Let's talk about this later, Dad," I add quietly, along with a nod.

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