Chapter 32- Out Of Time

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I've visited more than a few worlds in Ultra Space before. You'd think I'd kind of know what to expect by now, but as Lillie and I cross the boundary of the Ultra Wormhole, the sharp reality of this alien realm grips us like we're its plaything. It's cold. Cold, and almost impossible to see anything further than 10 feet away.

We just about maintain our balance as our feet crunch into the snow beneath us. Rapid veils of snow are carried along by a roaring wind, and the only scenery to be offered is a grey sky and a thick white fog. Lillie instinctively tightens her shoulders, wrapping her arms around herself for warmth as we get our bearings in this unforgiving hellscape.

"Aghh..." Lillie exhales in surprise, her voice shivering. Forcing the brim of my cap down over my brow, I slip an arm around Lillie and stumble closer to her.

"Hah... Are you alright?" I ask, trying to keep my voice above the howling wind.

Lillie's expression is as determined as ever, unwavering amid the cold. Her hand finds mine, and she nods.

"C-Can you see anything? Where's Rose?"

As we scan the area and trudge forwards through the snow a little way, our surroundings fade into view. There are brilliant, aqua-blue spires stretching high into the air from the ground here - crystalline structures that sparkle in the light. Clusters of identically-coloured diamond shards lay in patches among the fields of snow, adding a hint of vibrancy to this strange place. Two silhouettes emerge within the storm ahead.

I grip the Poké Ball in my hand tightly as we press onwards, the surface of the device oddly warm to the touch. As Lillie and I approach, we find Rose gripping the Team Skull boss fiercely by his collar. Her stare digs into him with teeth clenched, and for a moment, even Kane seems to shrink away from her. Whatever they were arguing about, they both come to a standstill as they notice Lillie and I stumbling though the snowstorm. Rose's attention snaps briefly back to the thug in her grip as she releases him, shoving him away as she turns to us. Her angry demeanour disappears immediately, a stupefied look replacing it as her wide-eyed gaze switches between me and Lillie.

"You guys...? You... followed?"

Even though she's wearing only a tank top and short-cut denim shorts, Rose appears unperturbed by the freezing world around us. She stands still, her crimson hair blowing in the wind.

"Well, y-yeah. Did you think we were just going to leave you to f-freeze here?" I answer plainly.

I see it again, the same thing I saw in her eyes before at Team Skull's hideout; a glint of something real. A look of genuine speechlessness - and alongside it, a sense of comfort. Rose reaches up to squeeze her shoulder and grins.

"Ahehe... I guess letting you guys go was the right call after all, hm?"

Lillie pays no attention to her quip, instead taking a few rushed steps over to her. "Are you okay? The way Kane dragged you here like that..."

Rose lets out a short, insincere laugh, her eyes turning away. "I'm... fine. I guess." She glances over at Kane as he clomps up a steep mound of snow a short distance away, fighting through the storm. "We probably shouldn't stick around here for long. Whether or not there are even any Ultra Beasts in this place..."

My breath shivers as I rub my hands together for warmth. "Right. We're going to have to drag your boss home by his ankles, I guess."

Kane grunts as he comes to a stop at the top of the hill, shielding his face from the oncoming wind. His other giant hand clutches a single Beast Ball, holding it limply at his side as he stares into the surrounding abyss. "Alright, you aliens! Come on out where big bad Kane can see ya!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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