Chapter 9 - Taking A Breath

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"We're hooome," Lillie calls, pushing open the front door and wiping the snow off her boots onto the doormat before taking them off and putting them to one side. She turns around and glances at me, sharing a small smile as I dismount from Charizard and return him and my gear to the ride pager. As I hop up the stairs to enter through the front door, mom pokes her head out around the door to her room, dressed, (or perhaps overdressed) in an abundance of winter-style clothes.
"Welcome back, you two! Come on in, I hope you weren't as cold as we were flying back on Charizard," she chuckles, wrapping a stylish scarf around her neck to add to the collection that she's wearing.
"Are you going somewhere?" Lillie asks, tossing her jacket accurately onto a coat hook.
"Aw, what gave it away?" Mom laughs in response, before continuing. "Me and Sun's father just thought that we'd go for a walk together, since he's yet to have a look around the island. Besides, may as well enjoy the snow while it's here, right?" She smiles. Mom's face is lit up in a different way this time - pleasantly different to be sure, and certainly in a way that suggests that she's genuinely looking forward to spending some time with dad.
"Looks like you guys'll get a taste of what me and Lil get to do twenty-four-seven," I chime smugly. Dad subsequently strides out of the bedroom, adjusting his big black coat.
"Alright, you don't have to rub it in," he mutters jokingly, catching my eye as he strolls in. I keep my gaze fixed and maintain the big grin on my face, which can't help but prompt him to crack a smile. Lillie casually collapses onto the sofa, making herself comfortable.
"Can you really not find anything a little nicer than that?" Mom sighs, gesturing to Dad's jacket. He laughs, holding Mom's hand and leaning closer.
"C'mon, you know you love it,"
Mom smiles, even reacting with a blush. "Maybe," she admits, grinning and nudging dad gently. "Oh, but we'll go now. Will you both be alright?" Mom checks.
"Of course we will," I reply confidently, jumping on the sofa next to Lillie. "Don't worry about us, you both have a good time," I add.
"Oh, and please be careful! I'd hate if you somehow crossed paths with... you know," Lillie adds anxiously, keeping in mind the same mysterious group we keep bumping into. Dad smiles in response, raising a Poké Ball.
"Don't worry, I've got my pokemon. I very much doubt they'll get through these guys. Oh, and by the way, don't forget that the island guardians are watching!" Dad says jokingly, pointing at his eyes and then pointing back at us. Lillie just laughs and leans into my shoulder, blushing profusely along with me.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, see you later," I chuckle. Dad stares at me with a big, satisfied grin, before leaving outside into the cold. We exchange one more word of goodbye, before the door is closed and Lillie and I are left alone together in the warmth.

I glance sideways at Lillie, who's comfortably leaning back into the sofa, her eyes gently dropping closed. I smile and nudge her gently with my shoulder.
"Hey, you ready for bed already?" I jokingly giggle.
"Mmnhehe, no, sorry... it's not even that late, and it's already been a long day," she laughs. I chuckle too, slipping my arm around her as she shuffles over and snuggles into me.
"That's true. So, what'd you wanna do?" I whisper into her ear gently. She bites her lip sexily before tilting her head and kissing my lips passionately, caressing my jawbone as we go. After a moment, we withdraw from eachother and she answers.
"Maybe we could watch a film, if you're up for that?" She suggests.
"Sure! Anything you have in mind?"
She pauses to consider.
"Not really. What would you like?"
"How about another horror film?" I joke in a purposely goofy voice, tickling her sides suddenly which causes her to burst with mirth.
"Y-you know how bad I am with horror movies," She pouts, resting her head on my shoulder. "How about something romantic?" She proposes, gazing up at me with large, adorable puppy eyes. She does it because she knows I can never say no to her when she puts on her puppy eyes.
"Sure, let's do that, then," I smile, kissing her cheek. She returns a kiss on my lips, sneakily repositioning herself so that she's sat on my lap. We choose a film and I relax on the sofa, wrapping my arms around Lillie's belly as she sits between my legs and leans backwards into me.


A couple of hours later, the film finishes and the credits roll. Lillie had repositioned herself during the course of the movie, and so she's curled up on the sofa, resting her head on my lap as I gently stroke her hair.
"That was nice," she mumbles softly, still resting on me.
"Good, I'm glad we picked a good film," I smile, leaning and laying a kiss on her forehead. She picks herself up and regains her upright posture, though she can't help but rest her head on my shoulder wholesomely. We gaze sideways at eachother, our gazes interlocking before I put my arm around her and speak.
"You know, we've still got a while to ourselves," I point out huskily.
She smiles, maintaining her fixed gaze and leaning in.
"I know," she replies softly, before placing her hands on my cheek and pulling me gently towards her, until our lips meet again. We slowly get to our feet as we kiss deeply, stumbling towards the door to our bedroom. Maintaining the kiss, (which is getting more and more intense), I wrap my arms securely around her waste and pick her up, carrying her to familiar aura of our bedroom. We fiercely peck at each other's lips as I carry her to our room, pausing momentarily only to gently lay her down on the bed before leaning into her slowly and continuing to kiss her softly. After a long moment, Lillie smiles and pulls me into her for a tight cuddle, laying one more kiss on my forehead.
"I love you, you know," she sighs blissfully, her cheeks a rosy shade after engaging in such a kiss. I smile, stroking her hair and hugging her tightly in return.
"I know. And you'll never guess what - I love you too, Lil," I chuckle, wrapping my arms around her and once again pressing my lips to hers, pushing her slowly down onto the mattress as we go.

~ Wanderer

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