Chapter 14 - Warmer Winter

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* Disclaimer: this chapter gets slightly nsfw later, just a warning to anyone who gets uncomfortable with even mild sexual reference

Leaning against the railing of Aether Paradise's docking facility, I let out a soft sigh. Lillie joins me, glancing at me and sympathetically tilting her head gently.
"Hey, Sun, it doesn't matter if Team Skull stole something, right? And it doesn't matter what they stole. We'll find them and we'll get it back," she says confidently. She lays her hand softly against my back, to which I respond by lifting my head up gently to gaze out across the vast Alolan ocean which is reflecting the dark-blue haze off of the evening sky. After a moment, I nod and hold her hand.
"Yeah, you're right. Ready to head home?" I ask, the tone of my voice perking up a bit. Lillie squeezes my hand in response.
"Sure," she says with a smile. With that, we step aboard a small ferry that's ready to depart and sit together at a small table. The journey back to Melemele island is a relatively short one, and the darkness of the sky only becomes deeper as we pull closer to the docks.

Much of the snow has melted away now, but the streets of Melemele remain to be coated in a thin, fine layer of the stuff. Other than the thin leftovers of snow, the crisp air remains to be just as icy, and even light gusts of wind are surprisingly cold, especially this late at night. As Lillie and I walk home hand in hand, her gaze is fixed upwards towards the sky. After a moment, she speaks.
"So, there's another Ultra Wormhole up there?" She asks. She doesn't seem particularly worried - just intrigued, curious. I can read the look in her eyes as they reflect the light of countless stars overhead.
"I guess so. Haven't noticed any new alien Pokémon around lately, so there's nothing to worry about," I smile.
"Hehe, right," she says softly. A small moment passes, before she pushes herself against me playfully to lean on me while we walk. "Suuun can we go to bed when we get back, just for a bit?"
I tilt my head at her quizzically, playfully poking her nose.
"Whyyyy, is there something you want, huh?" I tease with a small grin. She blushes a little and shoves me lightly.
"Hey nooo, it's not like that," she whines. "I just want hugs, you're just assuming things," she says smugly. I put my arm around her as we continue to walk along, the house just up ahead.
"Oh sure, and there's nothing else that you're forgetting to mention?" I say innocently, pressing my teasing even further.
"Oh of course, and maybe a kiss or two. How could I have forgotten?" She replies, as innocently as possible.
"Ooh, I dunno about that. We'll just have to see how lucky you get, won't we?" I joke, squeezing her hand gently as we step up to enter the house. Lillie glances at me and shoots me another playful pout.
"You're such a tease," she smirks.

"We're hooome," I announce, as Lillie and I enter through the front door.
"Welcome back!" Mom smiles, rushing over to hug us. "I was worried about you two when you went out to battle all of those Team Skull folk. But I'm just as relieved to see you both unharmed," she says warmly.
"Missed you too, Mom. Glad you're alright too," I say back with a smile through the hug. Roxy is sprawled out on the sofa, looking to be half-asleep next to Dad. "I see you've made friends with Roxy already, Dad?" I laugh, pouring a glass of cold pinap juice at the kitchen. Dad gives the sleepy midnight-form Lycanroc a gentle pet.
"Well, what can I say? Pokémon take a quick liking to me, that's just how it is," he says with a shrug.
"Oh yeah, yeah. Remember those Rattata, that one time?" I say smugly.
"Oh come on Sun, that was a one-off," Dad chuckles, scratching the back of his head gently. Lillie takes a seat at the other sofa, clearly curious as to what we're talking about.
"Hey, what one time with Rattata?" She asks with a giggle, probably in response to whatever she's imagining. I sit down too, laughing softly under my breath.
"Well once, when I lived in Kanto, there was this one time where Dad and I went for a walk down a route somewhere. I always loved to see the wild Pokémon. One time though, Dad tried to tame a few wild Rattata - angry Rattata apparently, since just a moment later, Dad was being chased around by like 3 of the things, all of them furiously trying to nibble his ankles. I just laughed and watched the chaos unfold,"
Dad, now standing near the door and equipping his coat, just grins and shakes his head lightly.
"Fine, most Pokémon take an immediate liking to me," he restates.
"Can't really argue with that, I guess. Are you going somewhere?" I ask after a brief pause.
"Me and your dad were planning on going out for the evening. We're going to get dinner and then we were thinking of taking a walk around Malie city, so we'll probably be back quite late. Will you two be okay here?" Mom asks. Lillie leans into my side, wrapping her arms tightly around my body and pressing her cheek against my shoulder.
"Nahh, I'm sure it will be chaos," she says jokingly.
"Well, at least try to behave," Dad replies with yet another smug grin, refusing to miss the opportunity. I give him a sharp and somewhat disappointed look.
"You never really grew up, did you?" I ask. Dad smiles casually, adjusting his signature jacket a little.
"Nope," Dad replies cooly. Pausing for a moment, I remember to take out Feathers' Poké Ball and release him into the room.
"But yeah, we'll be fine," I add. "And this guy wants his dinner now too, so I'll start making some food," I suggest, patting my Decidueye on the head and getting a soft chirp in response.
"Sounds good, we'll see you later then," Mom says with a smile.
"Yup, see ya," Dad adds with a nod, before closing the front door and leaving Lillie and I alone.

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