Chapter 19 - Fire and Ice

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The fragrant mixture of fresh coffee and tropical Alolan flowers wraps around my senses as I push open the bedroom door that leads to the main room where I find Mom and Dad comfortably sat on the sofas along with the Pokémon. Adjusting my black polo shirt, I stroll in casually and give a small wave.
"Morning, Sun!"
Both of my parents are quick to greet me with the same warm tone while our Pokémon, who until now have been idly relaxing around the room, scramble towards me ecstatically with a collective rush of energy. Feathers is the first to hop over, chirping and posturing himself in preparation for the headpat he knows he's about to receive.
"Sheesh, have you got a bag full of Poké beans or something, Sun?" Dad chuckles as he watches the 4 Pokémon hurry towards me, their eyes shining with excitement.
"Nah, but they're always hopeful," I grin, petting both Lillie's Ninetails and Feathers with care.
"Good morning!"
Lillie's soft voice appears suddenly from behind me as she enters the room with us - she's wearing her lightly-coloured skirt and hoodie; her usual outfit for days when we have plans to go out and do something in particular.
"Good morning to you too, Lillie," Mom replies with an Alolan wave.
"Morning! So both of you slept in late today, huh?" Dad remarks teasingly.
"It's not that late," I insist. Lillie's Ninetails joyfully paces over to her trainer, creating an opportunity for Roxy and Delta to say hi. The midnight and dusk-form Lycanrocs both excitedly jump up at me at the first chance they get, pressing their paws against my chest, tails wagging as they lick me playfully.
"Oh hello hello, hiii," I giggle as I hug my two rock-type wolf Pokémon. "It's busy in here today," I add.

Eventually, the Pokémon settle down as I prepare the usual breakfast for them. Lillie sits on the sofa with her Ninetails, and Mom is quick to pick up today's newspaper and point to the title on the front page.
"You're in the papers again, honey. Both of you are, in fact!" she says, glancing intently from me to Lillie. I don't need to look up at the headline to know what the news is - after yesterday's explosive skirmish with Team Skull, it really doesn't surprise me at all that the latest incident regarding the group is the focus of the media.
"Nice," I smile, purposefully making the response sound more enthusiastic than it really is.
"Our champion, along with some of the other heroic trainers that we see so frequently, were seen teaming up with Team Reskull in order to fight off some Team Skull thugs at a showdown on Ula'ula yesterday," Mom reads the article aloud. "The thug group were defeated and thankfully nobody was harmed at the scene, but the area has been cordoned off for the time being while repair crews work on reconstructing the roads and properties after they experienced extensive damage in the conflict."
Dad turns to glance out of the window, scratching the side of his neck timorously.

"I'm happy that we were just able to prevent people from being harmed. Though it's true that Guzma did most of the work in fighting them off," Lillie says.
"What about today then, you two? Got any plans?" Dad queries. I pull some bowls out of the cupboard in the kitchen before searching through another cupboard for a box of cereal.
"Well, my friend Hau gave us a call not long ago. He was asking if me and Lil wanted to meet him and the Professor at the lab, so it looks like we'll be having more of a chill day today," I explain. An idea crosses my mind suddenly. "Actually, Dad... you haven't met them yet, right? Wanna come with us?"
Dad glances over to us, interested. "Sure! I can't stay for too long though, your mom wants to show me around some new places on Akala island in a while."
"Sweet. Where are you planning on taking him this time, Mom?" I ask along with a grin as I pour some cereal for myself. "Lil, do you want some cereal too? I can make something else if you want," I offer, turning to her briefly.
"Just cereal is fine. Thank you," she replies, tilting her head softly. She smiles sweetly at me while cuddling her Ninetails.
"Well, there are still a lot of paths not far from town that your Dad would like. I was thinking we could go through Paniola town, maybe to Lush Jungle," Mom answers.
"Good idea. I love the coastal path just before Lush Jungle," I say, carrying two bowls of cereal to the table. I place one down on the table for Lillie, and take a seat next to her. "Sorry we're not staying around for long. Hau was already on his way when he called us, so we don't want to keep them waiting," I explain.
"It's okay, honey. Besides, I'm used to you both being in a hurry to get out on an adventure," Mom replies.
"Haa, that's the spirit," Dad mumbles warmly.

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