Chapter 25 - Sunrise

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That makes seven minutes. I've been counting the seconds while laying here on the sofa, the constant ticking of the clock the only sound that makes itself clear amongst the quiet snoring that comes from Delta; the sleepy Lycanroc fell asleep a while ago, curled up on the other end of the sofa with his head resting on my legs. Fortunately, the other Pokémon don't snore so loudly. Alpha looks comfortable, the large Arcanine slumbering on the floor next to me - and I can't even tell if Lillie's Comfey is asleep, but the Pokémon seems to have made herself comfortable perched on my head. I, on the other hand, am still wide awake. Aside from the fact that I managed to nap for a couple of hours this morning, my mind is stuck on thinking over the encounter I just had with Rose. The 'hint' that she left me keeps repeating in my mind. The rushing of thoughts stops me from even closing my eyes.

I snap back to reality, however, when a sudden movement comes from the front door handle. I sit up quickly as the door pushes open, a smile returning to my face as Lillie's iconic golden hair gleams in the outside sunlight.
"Hey Lillie!"
Lillie smiles gleefully at the sight of me.
"Ah, Sun!"
Closing the door behind her, she drops her bag next to the table and practically rushes into my arms. I laugh lightly, remaining frozen up for a moment before wrapping my arms back around her and squeezing gently.
"Something tells me you've had a busy day," I chuckle. Lillie pulls back at last, twiddling a finger through her hair sheepishly and giggling.
"Yes... you could say that," she sighs, glancing around. "I hope Comfey and Fletchinder behaved themselves?"
I nod. "Yeah, they've been fine. Fletchinder's kept to himself over at the kitchen, and Comfey here seems to like sleeping on my head..."
Lillie's Comfey lets out a gentle chime, before delicately prancing off of me and over to her own trainer once again. Lillie smiles.
"She likes to do that. Oh, and Feathers and Ember have been really helpful! Here," Lillie says, passing the two Poké Balls back to me. I delicately hold the two Pokémon in my hands, smiling gratefully at the gently-glowing Poké Balls before placing them down on the table for now.

Lillie carefully places her palm against my forehead before speaking again. "But what about you? Are you feeling any better?"
I nod. "A lot better, actually," I answer, flashing her a smile. "Seems that staying home wasn't such a bad idea."
There's an overjoyed twinkle in Lillie's eyes. "Ah, that's great! I told you so," she grins, stepping over towards her backpack and picking it up. "I'll be right back, just need to put away some shopping in our room."
I nod and watch her head over to the bedroom, all the while thinking over everything that Rose told me. I'm going to need to tell Lillie about all of this.


"... It was really quite stressful, with so many people having their eyes on me. I went along with the interview for as long as I could, until my nerves got the better of me... but Feathers helped me get away, luckily. I still can't believe you manage to do all of this on a regular basis," Lillie sighs, snuggling further against my shoulder as we sit together on the sofa. I've been listening curiously to her recounting the events of her day, telling me about her experiences flying with Ember, about her battle with some strangers in Diglett's Tunnel, about fighting Team Skull in Hau'oli... I can't help but smile at the cute sincerity in her voice as she tells her story.

"I guess I just got used to this kind of stuff," I reply, shrugging before squeezing my arms gently around Lillie's waist.
"Well, I think I still prefer you being the one that gets all the attention," she chuckles. "Oh! But after that... I ran to a nearby plaza to collect myself, but that's when I met that strange girl..."
"Rose, right?"
Lillie hesitates. "Yes, the Team Skull admin... how did you know?"
I pause, collecting my thoughts as I take a slow breath in.
"Well... she stopped by to pay me a visit not long before you got back."
"She- she did?!"
Lillie glances up at me quickly, clearly surprised. I sigh gently and nod.
"Don't worry, she... only wanted to talk, and she only stayed for a couple of minutes. I... I still don't know why, but she gave me a hint."
"A hint?" Lillie repeats, raising an eyebrow. Delta yawns suddenly from his curled-up position on the other sofa, bridging the pause before my next sentence.
"Yeah, about where their base is." I glance up, my silver eyes staring firmly into Lillie's emerald ones. "'Ula'ula island - on the water, but out of sight.' That's what she said," I explain. Lillie frowns.
"Ula'ula island...? She certainly seemed strange enough when I met her, but... why would she just tell you that? She can't have been telling the truth."
"I don't know," I mumble, shrugging my shoulders slowly. I gaze out of the window at the sun that's on its way down. "But I don't think she was lying this time. She wants us to find them, but why? She said she wants to talk to me, but about what?"

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