Chapter 11 - The Rebellion (Part 1)

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The interior of the building is a mess. Everything that was once neatly organised is now scattered along the floor, desks and shelves are broken, and there's even a considerable degree of structural damage - the Pokémon battles here must have been ferocious. Sure enough though, the officer shows me to a pile of belongings sealed in a storage case.
"Most of what we found on the grunt were just simple and personal belongings. An asthma pump, a wallet containing a small amount of money, Pokemon-related items..." the officer places each item on the beaten-up desk in front of us as he lists them. "But we also found this," he announces, carefully placing down a credit-card sized metal chip of some kind.
"Interesting. Any idea what it is?"
"No, not yet. All we know about it is that it contains components capable of storing average amounts of data, but even our forensic equipment has been unable to crack the security on it so far. We're clueless. So far, we've only speculated that it's some sort of ID, but the guy that we took in refused to tell us anything about it. If only we could crack it..." the officer wonders, scratching his beard slowly.
"I think I have an idea - would I be allowed to take this with me? I think I know how we can find what's inside," I exclaim. I know exactly who can help with this.
"I... suppose so, sure. I'll need to make a record of the necessary details, though," the officer says slowly. I don't think he was expecting me to want it or if he's entirely sure that he should let me have it, but he seems to trust me nonetheless. "Be careful with it, okay? And good luck, champion."
Passing me the chip, I secure it safely within the 'key items' section of my bag, with the important stuff.
"Is there anything I can do to help here?" I offer.
"Ah, no, no thank you. We have it under control, I assure you. You go ahead and focus on what you need to do with that chip, okay? Let us know if you find something," The officer replies with a smile, a warm one that contrasts with the distressed expression that he showed earlier. I hope I can make sense of this information, and help these officers in some way. Dashing out into the cool outside breeze, I jump on Charizard and fly back home as fast as I can.

Coughing from the cold and rushing winds experienced during my short flight, I stumble clumsily down to the ground outside of the house, pushing through the front door.
"Sun!" Lillie exclaims. She turns to me, and I immediately recognise the panic in her eyes as they meet mine. I stare back into her gaze confused, before stepping over to her and Mom who are both intrigued in something on the TV.
"Look..." Mom adds quietly. Her expression is a rare one, filled with worry and distress. I lean slowly into the side of the sofa and watch what's on the TV closely. It shows footage displaying a man with red hair wearing clothes and accessories identical to the style of Team Reskull's. The man bears a sinister grin, which is strikingly similar to Guzma's.
"... and as you can see, we're already bringing out the old Team Skull spirit! Tch, you all really thought you saw the end of Team Skull when your 'hero' saved the day? You thought that Team Reskull was all that's left, that we had no bones left to pick with the captains? Well y'all are mistaken! This is our home turf now, so you best stay out of our way, you got that, people of Alola? Oh, and Champion... yeah, I know you're watching," He pauses momentarily, focusing on the camera with a satisfied smirk. "You really think you can take us on? Well if you're so confident in yourself, then we invite you to come show us your skills up close! Heh, you'll know where to find us - after all, it's pretty hard to miss!" He finishes, erupting with laughter and gesturing to his surroundings. The camera focuses on the background, showing a town overrun with grunts and Pokemon battles. Pure chaos. "And that's all big bad Kane had to say here today. Cut the camera Jun, we got a Thrifty Megamart to raid!"
With that, the camera feed cuts and the channel shows a dead display of static momentarily before the original channel comes back on again. Lillie's fearful eyes meet mine. They look ready to leak tears, so I sigh and wrap my arms around her tightly.
"What the hell is happening..." I mutter. Lillie shakes her head, hugging me back tightly to loosen the fear that grips her.
"I don't know, but we need to do something. We always do, right Sun?" She remarks with a deep breath as we separate.
"Is there anything I can do?" Mom asks urgently.
"I don't think so... just keep an eye out for any trouble here, I guess. I'll need to go out there and see what I can do," I reply, carefully thinking up a strategy.
"That would be no problem. Besides, I've got Meowth here with me - you don't have to worry about us!" Mom smiles with a nod.
"I'll leave Roxy here too, she'll help keep guard," I add, tossing the Poké Ball on the ground to release the eager Lycanroc. "Roxy, you help Mom look after home here, alright? We won't be long." I finish, focusing my attention on Feather's Poké Ball which I hold in my hand, idly stroking the device with my thumb.
"I'm coming with you, Sun," Lillie adds quickly and confidently.
"Lil... it's really not safe out there..."
"I'm not letting you go by yourself," she repeats firmly. My sorrowful eyes glancing up to meet her confident ones. She relaxes her expression, smiling gently and holding my hands. She sure knows how to comfort me...
"It's okay. We'll take them on together, right?"
I regain my stance and nod slowly. "You're right. Let's go," I smile back.
"Be careful out there!" Mom shouts after us as Lillie and I dash back outside, hand-in-hand.

Sprinting out onto the path, the familiar charcoal-black Charizard swoops down to land in front of us, stretching its magnificent wings.
"Uhhh... there's... what's going on?" Dad asks, scratching the top of his head blankly.
"Yeah, we only just saw the news. All I know is that my fears of this group are justified. Dad, could you go to Heahea city on Akala island and do what you can there? I'm pretty sure that's where they were in that TV broadcast," I ask. He nods in response.
"Sure, I'll be there right away. I think I know my way around well enough now... there's a lot going on just down the street in Hau'oli, maybe you should go take care of that?"
"We're on our way. Be careful, Dad."
"Always am. And you too stay safe too, right? Let's see which of us can clean up this mess first!" Dad laughs, before soaring back into the sky on Saber. I shake my head and break into a dash towards the city. Classic Dad. I guess he really never changes.

"Your Pokémon are ready to fight, right Lil?" I ask as we run to the streets of Hao'uli city.
"Of course! It's been a while since we've done any real training, but we'll give it our best!" She replies. A sudden, bright display of colours lights up the sky above which catches my attention, and I immediately recognise the coloured contrails to be the four Island Guardians. They must've sensed the chaos themselves - they'll help put these scoundrels back in their places. Lillie turns to me, confused.
"How did you tell the Guardians about this already?" She pants as we sprint.
"I didn't. They just sensed the danger themselves. It's a good thing I let them do their own thing instead of keep them in PC boxes, right?" I chuckle.
"Right!" Lillie laughs.
We come to a stop as we see a large group of Team Skull grunts up ahead outside the Pokémon Centre, engaged in fierce Pokémon battles with both local trainers and a decent number of Team Reskull grunts. Lillie and I push our way past groups of panicking citizens, selecting and holding up one of our Poké Balls in sync.
"I'll go and help out those people over there," Lillie explains, pointing ahead to indicate where she wants to go. "Are you going to be alright, Sun?"
I smirk in response. "Of course I will! I'll crush these grunts before you know it," I reply confidently, releasing Feathers from his Poké Ball, who lands and readies himself with a determined chirp. Lillie nods and smiles back, acknowledging that now isn't the time but placing a kiss on my cheek nonetheless. "I don't doubt that for a second," she laughs. "Let's go!"

~ Wanderer

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