Chapter 23 - Taking The Reins

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My head rests against Sun's shoulder as we cuddle together on the sofa, his arm around me while both of my arms wrap around his waist. I lost track of exactly how long ago it was since his parents left the house for the day, but it can't have been more than ten minutes ago. Since then, Sun and I have simply been sat on the sofa together listening to nothing but the sound of our own synchronised breaths among the faint morning ambience.

I glance at Sun to my side. "Still awake?" I chirp.
His closed eyes suddenly flicker open again. "Yeah, yeah I'm awake. Just comfortable," he grins, pulling me a little closer to him. I squeeze myself closer to his chest, cuddling tighter but keeping in mind not to squeeze too tightly.
"Hey, you should have something to eat though. How about I make us some food?" I offer softly, slowly relieving my embrace and sitting back upright.
"That'd be good. Thanks, Lil," he smiles. I swear I'll never get over the little nicknames he has for me. I've heard him call me that countless times, yet it still seems to make my heart flutter each time I hear it.

I put my hand against his cheek while our gazes fix, stroking the side of his head softly with my thumb, a gentle smile on my face.
"Oh, and let me get some medicine for you, too."
With that, I get to my feet, pick up the two empty mugs on the coffee table and stroll over to the kitchen, carefully stepping around my midday-form Lycanroc who's laying sleepily on the floor next to the sofa.

Things begin to feel a little more lively as the sound of the TV fills the room. I glance across at Sun after tidying away the mugs to find him relaxedly laying across the length of the sofa, flicking idly through channels with the TV remote. My own attention seems to shift to the cycle of nonsensical fragments of speech that come one after the other from the television as Sun flicks through the channels.
'... Looking for some thrifty deals this New Year? Here— ... give you deals on the foods you love— ... You better watch out! New— ... today, on— ... by the beautiful Alolan seaside— ... Are in danger! What will our hero do— ... bookshelf, bookshelf, bookshelf... combine harvester!?—'
Finally, Sun just settles on the news channel and I find that I subconsciously filled two bowls with cereal in the meantime. Before I add milk and bring them over to the living room, I look around for some medicine - something that I'm sure is here somewhere but something I've never directly seen or asked about, despite living mostly with Sun for a little more than five months now.
"Hey, Sun? Where do you keep the medicine?"
Sun turns his attention back over to me, pointing at a cupboard behind me. "There should be some in the top left cupboard there."
Sure enough, upon opening the cupboard door, I find a variety of medicine bottles as well as boxes of tablets. It only takes a second of rummaging through the bottles to find a strawberry-flavoured product for cough and cold relief. Perfect. I read through the instructions and directions twice to be sure, before pouring milk into the bowls of cereal, taking some spoons from the kitchen drawer, and carrying everything over to Sun.

The news catches my attention as I put the bowls down on the table. I sit down slowly next to Sun, though my eyes remain fixed on the TV.
"... Latest reports of the violent and subversive gang come in from the crew of a cargo ship who were out at sea off the coast of Akala island yesterday afternoon. The ship's captain, Holokai Keli'i, claims that his ship was boarded by Team Skull members, who of which proceeded to steal an amount of the ship's cargo despite the efforts made to defend it."
I shift uncomfortably in my seat, my eyes flicking over to Sun. He watches the broadcast with a coldly serious expression, a hint of sharp anger behind his silver eyes. This must be about his encounter with them yesterday. I turn my attention back to the programme.
"Eyewitness accounts from various members of the ship's crew claim that they saw who they believe was our very own Champion pursuing the Team Skull group's getaway vessel via Charizard, but neither Team Skull nor the Alolan Champion have been seen since - leaving many to speculate just how the encounter turned out."
I tune out once again from the news, getting comfortable in my position and beginning to eat my breakfast.

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