Chapter 18 - Another Dawn

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(Sun's POV)

Kane shakes his head, turning and cooly walking back into his small crowd of Team Skull grunts.
"Fair enough, guess I'll have to take that loss," he chuckles. He pauses momentarily, sighing with content as he turns to the Team Skull grunts. "C'mon then gang. We caused enough chaos for one day, heheheh."
He doesn't turn to look back at us. The red-haired Team Skull boss just adjusts his jacket with swag while striding off calmly down the street in the opposite direction. The downtrodden Team Skull grunts dash off after him, sulking and muttering while they leave.
Lillie steps forward, watching them leave with a noticeable firm scowl on her face.
"Shouldn't we stop them or something? Or arrest them?" she suggests.
Guzma shakes his head, grinning lightly to himself.
"Nah. Those punks got taught a lesson here today. That's all we need," he says, approaching Lillie and I.
"Yeah, they're done... for today, at least." I turn to face Lillie, squeezing her hand and smiling. "But we're one step closer to taking them down for good," I add.
"Damn right," Guzma grins, rustling his hands through me and Lillie's hair to mess with us. "And you fought pretty well, eh? Looks like you cleaned up a lot of those numbskulls by yourselves," he adds. Me and Lillie wince slightly as Guzma ruffles up our hair, but I laugh gently as he does so. He turns to Gladion, who's standing quietly just behind us. "Looks like you mopped them up good too, kid. It's a shame you don't hang around with me and the Team Reskull boys more often."
Gladion shrugs.
"I get you guys are good now, I just... I like to do things on my own," he replies, turning and facing the glistening orange ocean. He goes to lean against what's left of the railing, but decides not to after considering its fragile state. Lillie smirks and leans closer to Guzma.
"He's just not very good at making friends," she whispers.
"... I heard that," Gladion mutters coldly.

"That was one heart-stopping battle, gotta hand it to you."
Dad approaches us with a grin, and Guzma turns around to discover who's talking to him. He pauses for a moment, before grinning with a sense of realisation.
"Heh, thanks. You're Sun's dad, aren'tcha? Damn, you two really look alike!"
Dad grins back, smoothly salute-waving. "Heh! Yeah, I guess it's in the eyes. You're Guzma then, the Team Reskull boss? Sun's told me quite a bit about you," Dad says casually, his signature Charizard strutting up behind him. It's honestly pretty strange seeing Dad and Guzma have a conversation with eachother. I guess it's just a conversation I never imagined would happen, but regardless, they seem to get on well. Dad expresses his amazement in the Z-move that was used - a power that understandably fascinates the Kanto champion, as Z-power doesn't seem to exist anywhere but Alola. Gladion has wandered off somewhere into the crowd of citizens and lively Team Reskull members, but Lillie is stood behind me, watching the golden sunset. I approach her from behind, wrapping my arms gently around her lower abdomen and laying a kiss against the back of her head. She smiles, leaning back into me and looking up into my eyes.
"Tired, huh?" I ask. I'm practically the only thing holding her up, as she's slumped back against me so much.
"A bit... it's been a busy day," she admits.
"We'll go home in a minute then," I say, rubbing her shoulders gently before letting go. Hands in pockets, I stroll back over to Guzma and dad with Lillie.

"Hey dad, I think we're gonna head back home," I announce as we rejoin the conversation. Dad strokes Saber's colossal neck with care as the powerful Charizard lays curled up on the ground.
"Good idea. It's getting late, your mother must be wondering what's taking us so long," he chuckles. "You hear that Saber? Ready to get us home?" he asks, turning his attention back to the charcoal-grey beast. Lillie gazes down the length of the street for a moment before speaking.
"So... what's going to happen about the damage here?" she asks. Ah, yeah. I'd almost forgotten about how the street has now transformed into what looks like an explosive test site. The road is split in many places, it's surface cracked and covered in rubble. Trees have been knocked over, the roofs of buildings have been damaged, street signs have been bent crooked, walls have been knocked over, and there is of course a gaping hole in the side of a building that dad's Charizard went straight through.
"Hrmm... I guess there'll have to be some reconstruction operations here. Team Skull are the ones held responsible for this," I mutter.
"We'll keep an eye on em'," Guzma says smoothly. "Yo, and you two should swing by Po Town sometime," he adds, turning to Lillie and I.
"What for?" I reply. Guzma chuckles.
"For a chat? I dunno, I didn't mean for anythin' in particular," he laughs, swaggering over to his Team Reskull grunts. "Been a while since you sang for the band, Sun," he adds.
"Oh, right! I'm sure we will," Lillie replies enthusiastically.
"I'll hold ya to it. See you around," Guzma says cooly, gathering his team of grunts and heading off back to Po Town. "C'mon then crew, back to livin' large at the mansion."

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