Chapter 13

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Welcome to Chapter 13 - this is the other part of the split chapter - enjoy!!!

Still Stiles/Percy POV

Before I could say anything to him, the door behind me came crashing open revealing the pack, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Jason, Leo, Nico, Will and Apollo all running out ready to battle who was threatening me. Sirens were heard behind showing my Dad and Parish arriving with as many officers they had available and coming over to stand behind me with everyone else, guns out at the ready. Several bright flashes appeared on me revealing the Gods arrival, I glanced either side to see who had arrived and spotted Poseidon, Artemis and Ares on my left and Hades, Zeus and Hephaestus all decked out in battle gear.

"Wow now that is an impressive gathering of people to watch you die Perseus. You may have escaped from my clutches once before but that will not happen again, I will have the pleasure of torturing and killing you in front of all those you call your family and friends." He stated admiring the group gathered behind me with a wicked smile on his face.

"Who are you going to hide behind this time, you sacrificed a friend last time to escape my clutches so who is going be the scape goat this time. Your adopted father? Your fiancée? Your best friend?" He questioned as he neared closer to me.

"I did not choose to sacrifice my friend, he decided to sacrifice himself so I could return to help defeat Gaia and to close the Doors of Death. You will not be taking any of my friends or family today, not while I still have breathe in my body. But you see I knew that you would come for vengeance not just due to me and Annabeth escaping from your grasp but for us helping to defeating Gaia and send her back deep into her slumber." I state back trying to keep the confidence strong in my voice.

"I knew this would all happen so I made a plan worthy of Athena herself, I left those behind who I loved the most and erased all my memories of my former life so I could start over to build a side to myself that Percy would never be and will never have no matter how hard he tries. Now I know so much more than just how to control my powers but now I know so many battle strategies, some that even Athena herself would never dream in a million years, I have also learnt that control is overrated and that my fatal flaw maybe Personal Loyalty but this not deadly to me not any more, it is only deadly to those who threaten my family and those I love. You have come looking for Perseus Jackson but as I have advised some of the people stood behind me, Percy Jackson is dead." I finish off staring directly at him.

"So if you are not Perseus Jackson, Hero of Olympus and Son of Poseidon, who are you then? The weak human known as Stiles Stilinski, the boy who runs with wolves?" He asks venom evident in his voice.

"Nope wrong again I am afraid, you seem to have missed the point of the whole story I just told. My name is Mieczyslaw Perseus Stilinski Jackson, I am the son of Claudia and Noah Stilinski and the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon. I am the boy who runs with wolves and the Hero of Olympus, the long lost fiancé of Annabeth Chase, best friend of the True Alpha of Beacon Hills, brother of Tyson and I am the former Praetor of the Twelfth Legion of Rome." I state answering his question and I notice the mist falling away from the brand on my arm as I reveal the last part of myself that I had hidden away.

A cold laugh echo around the quite grounds of the school as everyone seemed to be holding there breathe waiting for him to speak.

"I must admit that I am very impressed but you must have realised that all of this would all be for nothing, your power is no match to mine nor that of your family. You must have know that the only way this was going to end was by be either dragging you down to my home again or you surrendering to me to protect your family. I am Tartarus, I am the Primordial God of the pit and Husband to Gaea. You will pay for escaping and killing my wife." Tartarus spits out and I knew the time was at hand to put my plan into action.

"You are still missing one very important part of all this though, I have a Banshee on my side." I state while quickly placing a wall of water around to protect everyone from Lydia's scream.

"Now Lydia and don't hold back!" I shout with Riptide ready as Lydia's Banshee scream rips through the area creating a large crack that had surrounded where Tartarus stood with the ground around him slowly crumbling sending him back to where he came from. I took a breathe of relief as the final part holding him gave away sending him tumbling back to where he came from.

As I turned to face my family and friends a rope snapped around my ankle dragging me towards the edge of the crumbling hole. I released the wall of water protecting my family and friends trying to save as much strength as I could. As I got the edge of the hole I felt several hands grabbing me trying to prevent me from going over fully but I knew even with all of them together there was only one way this was going to end.

"Hold on Percy, I have you and I am not letting you go." Annabeth shouted holding tight to my left hand tears running down her cheeks.

"Annabeth, haven't we been here before, but just the other way around." I joke.

"How can you be joking at a time like this Stiles, you are literally hanging over the edge of hell." Scott snaps while holding tightly onto my right arm.

"Scott I have been to hell before, apart from been a bit hotter than up here its not to bad. If you don't count the air trying to kill you along with all the monsters you have already killed seeking you out for revenge." I state.

" I am sorry but I have to do this adventure on my own. I have to be a Dark Knight on my own without a Robin to help me. Forgive me please brother." I say and pull a Wolfsbane dagger from my knife holder and stabbed his hand holding me up making him let me go and I slip further over the edge.

"Annabeth, you have to let me go. I am so sorry we fought, you are the love of my life but this time I need to do this on my own this time. You once asked me to let you go once before to save myself and I said no way am I letting you do this on your own but this time you know I need to do this alone while you stay here and protect my family." I say looking into her eyes and I can see she knows I am telling the truth.

"I will see you on the other side, just remember I love you seaweed brain to the moon and back. Our love is constant through different dimensions, places and times, you will always find me and I will always find you" Annabeth says before I feel her hand open and I start my fall into the pit below.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!

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