Chapter 20

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Welcome to Chapter 20 - thank you for the votes so far on this story - I am sorry for the delay in getting this reloaded - I am editing as I reload - here is the next part, enjoy!!

Scott POV

The room held a deathly silence as everyone seemed to be processing what had happened, one minute he is lying on a bed in front of us and the next moment he just explodes into water and vanished from sight.

"What the hell was that?? Where is our son?" Sheriff asks breaking the tension and stunned silence as to what we had all just witnessed.

"That was vapour travel, I knew he had been practising but I didn't know he could do it. As to where our son is currently, there is a an old saying that all things must return back to where it once came from." Poseidon answered confusing me and I assume the room with part of his answer.

"So where is he then?" Mum asked hoping to get a more straight forward answer from the God.

"Where's the lake around here?" He simply answered with a question before smiling widely at us all as he and the other Gods disappeared from the room.

"The Reserve." I shout out realising what Poseidon meant before I raced out of the room with everyone trailing behind me and getting into their vehicles.

Once I reached The Reserve nearest to the lake, I noticed that all the Gods were gathered at the top of the hill watching two figures that stood near the water's edge who were staring deeply at each other as if waiting for the other to make the first move.

I stood next to the Gods along with everyone else while studying the figures in front of us, only one of the men could be clearly seen and I instantly recognised him as Void. I went to move towards him but I felt a hand grab my arm and I look at Poseidon who just shakes his head.

The other figure was not as easy to work out, the most I could gather was it was a man. He wore a plaid patterned armour that had a black hood with sea green interior, the hood was covering half of his face so all that was visible was a few thin scars and a slight scruff that looked like he needed a shave.

"Well will you look at this, me and you fighting against each once again in Beacon Hills. Oh how I am going to miss hearing your screams but I was sent to complete a job to earn my freedom from that hell hole." Void spat towards the figure made no sign that he had heard Void speak.

"Come on now, I know its been a while since you used that voice of yours for anything other than screaming but I know you must have some sarcastic comment or clever one liner to use. Don't forget I used to live inside your head!" Void stated and I finally worked out who was under the hood, Stiles.

He still hadn't made any acknowledgement towards us or Void since we arrived which was starting to scare me.

What was going on with him?

Is he still the same person that used to make sarcastic comments whenever he could or come up with haywire schemes that would result in either us getting in trouble or hurt.

"I...I will say to you....what you once...said" Stiles croaked out, his voice surprising me as it sounds raw and painful.

"Haha, he finally talks. What do you want as your final words?" Void laughs at him obviously happy to hear the struggle in his voice.

"I am a thousand years old, you can't kill me!" Stiles stated while diving forward taking out his sword as he heads towards Void.

Before Void could react to Stiles's movements, Stiles had already swung his sword and took off Void's head in one clean stroke. What did he mean he was a thousand years old?

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