Chapter 40

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Welcome to the final chapter - thank you everyone who has made it to this stage and have voted and commented on this story - enjoy this final chapter!!!

Melissa POV

I am so angry at Noah right now, how can he just leave like that? Running head first into a war like that, he could get himself killed. It was bad enough with Scott and Lydia been there but at least they had Derek to watch out for them and their powers to help protect them if need be.

After he left I check under the cover that been brought in earlier that supposedly contains Stiles's body but I haven't until now had the courage to check for myself. As I lift back the cover with Deaton, Will and Parrish looking on behind me, I reveal the decapitated body of Stiles lying on the table but I notice that something doesn't look quite right.

Where is all the blood?

"What is happening?" I ask as Will appears at my side as Stiles's body disappears into a black mist leaving behind nothing but an empty cover and table.

"I think the Sheriff is correct, Stiles lives again." Will states looking hopeful for the first time since he had arrived at the Clinic.

"Not to sound so negative or jinx anyone but how come we have had no one brought here yet. The war has been raging for hours now, shouldn't we have had at least a few people with minor injuries?" Parrish asks as the ground rumbles for the second time.

We all rush outside and watch the distant battle which seems a lot calmer some how then it had when the Sheriff left, I notice that several people in different colour cloaks appear before everyone seems to bow towards them. I watch as someone in a black cloak sends someone flying far away from them before several others wearing the same cloak appear.

"What is happening?" Deaton asks and we all just shrug our shoulders as we are too far away to see properly who is who or what is actually happening out there.

I notice what looks like a glass dome appear around the ground nearest to us, protecting everyone fighting on our side leaving only one person struggling in the middle with another looming over them as the ground starts breaking away.

"I can't watch this anymore, it is just torture been here and not been able to help." I state walking inside the Clinic and I am surprised when the others join me right away taking a seat in the waiting room.

Not long after we step inside I hear a thundering sound of hundreds of footsteps racing towards the clinic as the doors slam open to show Sherriff, Scott, Lydia, Apollo, Derek and Stiles racing in. Stiles was carrying a body in his arms, as I look the person in his arms is Stiles.

Wait! What on earth?

"Deaton, Stiles has been shot with a Wolfsbane arrow directly into his back. I need a lighter or blow torch right now." Derek states as they run into the exam room and place the unconscious Stiles on the table.

"Why was Stiles carrying Stiles? Also I didn't think Wolfsbane affects Stiles the same way as it does with you, after all as is he not a Werewolf or Supernatural." I ask confused as Scott removes Stiles cloak and starts looking around him as though looking to see how to remove his armour.

"Melissa that is a very long story which I promise that we will explain everything later, but right now we need to focus on saving Stiles's life. Scott it's the baseball bat charm on his necklace that removes the armour from his body. By the way my name is Percy Jackson, its a pleasure to meet you properly." Stiles mark two introduces himself as he starts helping Scott to remove Stiles's shirt once the armour disappears from sight.

I notice several deep wounds are coating his skin along with the evidence of broken bones on his chest, arms and legs, I instantly get into my Nurse mode seeing his injuries and start to help clean the open wounds. I notice they don't seem to have normal blood coming out of them but I decided to not say anything, I will add it to my list of questions to ask later.

Derek walks in from the back room carrying a handheld blow torch and asks us to roll Stiles onto his side so he can get to the wound on his back, when I see the wound I realised how serious it is, black veins seem to be stretching out from the wound and now covers nearly his entire upper back area.

"Alright everyone ready, he may be a God now but this is still going to hurt him and may make him lash out so be prepared." Derek states lighting the blowtorch as Scott, Parrish, Sheriff, Apollo and Will hold him down tightly as Derek nears the wound and starts pressing the blow torch against it.

I watch as the wound starts sizzling and hisses as the Wolfsbane is burnt out of his system, slowly the black veins start disappearing until they completely start to vanish. As Derek turns the blow torch off, everyone quickly backs away from Stiles with Scott pulling me with him.

"Scott, what's wrong?" I ask worried as he seems to be holding onto me very tightly, moving me so I was behind him while his eyes remain fixed solely on Stiles.

"Brace yourself!" Scott answers me before a loud roar of pain rattles the room coming from Stiles who I notice has woken up with his eyes glowing white and blue like electricity was floating in his eyes.

Before I can ask what was happening, a bolt of lightning comes crashing from the sky landing directly on top of Stiles, electrocuting him as he lies on the table before sending him flying through the wall. The lightning stops and everyone appears slowly from where they have been hiding themselves and make there way over to the wall.

I stay back as Percy and Scott carefully step into the hole that had been made and appear a few moments later with Stiles barely awake draped between the two of them. They step into the room again with the Sheriff stepping forward to take a hold of his legs as they walk carefully back over to the table he was once lay upon as the doors crashed open to reveal Poseidon and someone I never thought I would see again.

"Claudia!" I state and feel my mouth fall open as I stare at someone I had seen die years ago now standing in front of me looking the healthiest I have ever seen her.

"Melissa, it's lovely to see you once again. Percy, I didn't do too much did I? I just wanted to give him a slight help in boosting his healing abilities." Claudia rushes out as she moves towards Stiles, who is currently been held up by Apollo and Scott as Percy help Stiles to drink a golden liquid.

"Maybe just slightly too much but don't worry he is okay. He is going to be okay, we all are!" Percy states as he place the cup down on the counter before starting to feed Stiles what oddly looked to be a lemon square.

"So is it over? Did we win?" Parrish asks sounding a mixture of concerned and excitement as his eyes dart around the battle worn people in the room.

"It is over, we won! All thanks to our very own Stiles here! He really was a hero today." Lydia advises speaking for the first time since they had all arrived back at the Clinic.

I step forward as Stiles seems to finally be regaining some colour back into his face and doesn't seem to be needing to lean on Scott so much to stay upright on the table. I grab a few dressing off the side before starting to apply them to the many visible wounds without trying to make any eye contact with him. A hand reaches down in front of me and gently places it on top of mine stopping me from patching him up any further, I look up to meet the watery eyes of the person I have always seen as a second son.

"Melissa, it's okay, I am okay now!" Stiles advises before pulling me into a comforting hug and I can't help but allow the tears I have been holding in since Noah had ran out earlier. I feel his weight fully lie on my shoulder as I realise that he has fallen asleep.

I gently lie him down on the table with the help of Will and Apollo and continue attending to the rest of his other injuries before allowing him to rest as the last few days events seem to be starting to hit everyone differently from Percy collapsing from exhaustion to the Sheriff breaking down crying in his dead wife's arms. I walk over to where Scott and Lydia are standing currently and wrap them into a tight hug grateful they are both okay.

The End!!!

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