Chapter 24

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Welcome to Chapter 24 - sorry for the delay in updating, here is the next chapter - Enjoy!!!

Scott POV continues

It took six hours for Stiles to resurface from underneath the waterfall, when he finally walked out of the water he was completely dry and his face was set so stern, as though carved out of stone.

As soon as he emerged Annabeth ran over to apologise to him but he just shrugged it off as nothing had happened and headed back to the arena to collect his stuff as it was too late in the day to continue.

Over the next few days I noticed everyone including myself was cautious over what we said aloud when Stiles was around or near by.

Mum said it could be a form of PTSD from his time in Tartarus, he still hadn't fully explained what happened in his time there. Stiles started to train us all in basic sword techniques as he was who had kept him supplied with homework and challenges, the only issue he seemed to be facing was he now suffered with dyslexia so had to have Chiron inform the other teachers of this slight change to Stiles.

"Hey Scotty, you okay?" Stiles asks making me jump as I didn't hear him arrive.

"Yeah sorry, was lost in my own world then. Anyway I should be asking you that as this is the second time you are having to return to school after missing a big chunk and a lot has changed since you were last there?" I state grabbing my backpack ready to leave.

"What do you mean? Nothing really has changed much." Stiles stated looking confused at what I had said.

"Yeah your right nothing has changed. Oh that's right since you were last their you have now remembered you are part God, you were taken again and returned to battle to the death, you became a God and Champion of the Fates, am I missing anything. Oh yeah and you are engaged." I state letting Stiles get a taste of the sarcasm he normally dishes out.

"I still don't believe you Scott, after everything that has happened as you correctly listed. The part that shocks you the most is that I am engaged." Stiles chuckles while climbing into his Jeep as I get in also and notice Annabeth and Nico already in the back.

"Morning Annabeth and Nico!" I state as Stiles starts the engine and drives to school.

The first half of the day goes by without too many issues, as expected Stiles received several looks as he stepped into the halls again. Annabeth explained everyone who watched what had happened the day Stiles was taken didn't see what had happened like we had but the magical mist had changed it so it showed the damaged was caused by a gas main explosion. Everyone was told Stiles had been hurt pushing someone out of the way of the explosion so everyone kinda saw Stiles as a hero.

The rumours about what actually happened that day had got wilder each day from some sounding closest to the truth that was created by the mist to the craziest ones saying that they saw Stiles pushing a bus load of youngsters to safety before the explosion happened.

As the morning continued I noticed Stiles struggle sometimes when challenges were written on the board instead of been from the text book for that class. I noticed that between Annabeth and Chiron they had managed to find Greek versions of each so Stiles could read it easier which still blew my mind. As I was sat in Maths and just read the notes on the board out to Stiles an announcement went off.

Can all students and staff please report to the Gym now for a special assembly

A light cheer echo through the room followed by a few laughs as everyone seemed happy to be leaving Maths sooner then expected. I walked with Stiles into the Gym and meet with Lydia, Annabeth, Nico, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Will, Kira and Malia.

"What do you think this is about?" Lydia asks as soon we sit down on the bleachers with the rest of the school.

"I don't know but it must be something big as the entire school is here." I reply looking around wondering what was happening.

I watch as Mrs Martin approaches the platform and begins to address everyone explaining why we have all been gathered here so suddenly.

"Good Morning, I am sorry to interrupt your learning but we have a few announcements to make but for me to do this I need someone to come up here please. Stiles Stilinski, please come up." She states pointing directly at Stiles who I notice has gone a beetroot colour as he stands up and shuffles over keeping his head facing down.

"Now this young man has had a tougher year then most people, as some of you know he had an accident which caused him to have a head injury and then not even a week since he recovered enough to finally return to school he decided to risk his own safety and life to save several people during the gas main explosion that took place." Mrs Martin started explaining as I watched Stiles keep his eyes on his shoes looking quite uncomfortable.

"Due to this noble act of bravery, on behalf of Beacon Hills High School we would like to award you with a special services to the school award. This is only a small symbol of our gratitude for what you did on that day." She finished handing Stiles a trophy as I stood along with everyone else to give him around of applause.

After a few minutes he returned back to us with tears swimming in his eyes as I patted his back and Annabeth wrapped him in a hug.

"The other announcement we have is we have two new students joining us and I would like you all to make them feel welcome, also can Stiles and his friends please show them around as I believe you already know them both." She finished off as the doors opened and a boy and girl stepped inside.

"Watch out ladies, McSchizzle has arrived!" The boy announced as he walked through the doors which caused Stiles, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank and Will to gasp.

"Leo!!" they all shouted together before running towards him and wrapping him in a tight hug. 

Thank you for reading - Leo has arrived!!! - new chapter will be up shortly!!!!

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