Chapter 38

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Welcome to Chapter 38 - I have no idea what to write here so not going to waffle on - so here is the new chapter, enjoy!!!

Scott POV

I look at the cloaked figure and watch as he shifts uncomfortably on the spot as Percy has steps away so he is now stood alone in front of everyone.

"May I ask who you are please? As I would like to know who to thank for saving my life." Sheriff asks as he step out from behind me and Derek where Percy had placed him for protection.

Before the figure can answer a roar echoes out from the opposite side of the field from where Tartarus has finally recovered and returned back to his feet, looking more angry then he had previously. The power I could sense radiating off him was so intense, it was making me want to curl up and hide away.

"Who do you think you are?" Tartarus spits out as he grips his sword tightly as I notice the figure standing ready to protect us if required.

"I'm sorry but are you speaking to me?" The cloaked figure asks pointing to himself before looking around as though double checking it was him that was been spoken too.

"No, I think he is talking to me." A voice spoke as another figure in a black cloak appears who also has his own sword out ready to fight.

"Nah, it has to be he is talking to." Another one states as he emerges and stands directly in front of me with his sword raised ready to fight.

"Nope, I think it is me." Another cloaked figure appears and I notice at least ten more of them appearing from different areas and directions all with identical swords out ready to fight.

"What is going on here?" I ask Annabeth hoping she can answer but she looks just as confused as I feel looking at the new arrivals that seem to be popping up everywhere.

"I think he has learnt a few tricks from visiting Asgard and speaking with Thor and Loki." A boys voice spoke from next to Annabeth who I hadn't met before but he looked similar to Annabeth.

"I'm sorry I don't believe we have met, I am Scott McCall. I am the True Alpha and best friend of Stiles." I state introducing myself before shaking his hand.

"I am Magnus Chase, I'm Annabeth's cousin and I am the son of the Norse God Frey. I came with a few warriors to help as soon as I got Annabeth's message." Magnus explains as he shakes my hand, okay now their are Norse Gods around also. Anymore I need to know about?

"You said he learnt a few tricks when he visited but who is he?" Annabeth asks and I notice how confused Magnus looks at her question.

"He is the Primordial of Humanity of course, but he is mainly known as the Prince of the Universe. He only recently became aware of his full powers so he visited Asgard to get some assistance learning and handling his new powers, so he could assist in this war." Magnus explains as I watch more and more cloaked figures appear all asking if Tartarus had been speaking to them.

"But why would he want to help us? Who is he?" I ask this time as I was confused as to why someone so powerful would come to our aid.

"That is not a question I can answer as I don't have his permission but I have a feeling before this battle is over his identity will be revealed." He explains before walking away and re-joins the group of soldiers he had previously been stood with.

I focus back on the cloaked figures that have appeared and notice that now a total of thirty were dotted around the battle ground, some were stood in front of us and the Gods, others in fronts of the other sections while the remaining ones lined up next to the main one.

I notice movement from the tree lines to my right and notice another person arriving, he had a black cloak draped over him which was hanging like a cape off his armour that was swirled in blue and orange. His eyes were covered in a plain black mask but they shone a white and blue with electricity shining out of them. As he walks through the crowd they part to let him through until he is standing next to Percy and Chaos, he withdrew his sword ready to attack.

"Who are you?" Tartarus screams at the newest arrival as he must have sensed the same level of power as I can. I also notice how Tartarus's army seem to be moving around more and preparing to fight at the sight of this newest arrival.

"May I?" The new arrival asks as he looks towards Chaos who shines down at him with pride before waving her hand towards the army in front of us.

"You may, but only half of them for now." Chaos advises as he steps forward and presses a button on his sword which shrinks it down to a key ring in the shape of a bat.

"Warriors, remain here and protect. Await for my return." He states before turning and running towards Tartarus and his army.

I watch as with every step he takes electricity runs up his body before he is running fully with it surrounding him, as he runs he jumps into the air rolling and collided head first into the army causing those to disappear in a flash of dust and light. He shoots lightning out of himself to destroy the creatures while arms of water was grabbing others and dragging them into the near by water.

After half of the army had been destroyed or drowned he just seemed to power down and walk away from the army back towards us. I was shocked at how one man could cause so much damage and destruction and just walk away without a single scratch on him.

"Dang, remind me later to not get on his bad side." Percy states as we all keep watching the man return back to us like nothing had just happened.

"Wait Percy, do you know who he is? I mean actually know who he is?" Me and Annabeth ask at the same time as I have a few guesses but didn't think it was possible. But I guess now a days anything is possible!

"I should hope so! Come on we did use to use the same head space and body for a long period of time." Percy explains and I feel my mouth drop open as I look up and notice that the mask had broken on the figure to reveal the face of Stiles.

"You! That's not possible, how can you do this? Even as a God you don't have that type of power." Tartarus screams towards him, as the reality that he was losing seems to finally be hitting him.

"Right... so when we spoke earlier I may have missed a small tiny detail out. So let me introduce myself again shall I! My name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski, I am the Boy who runs with Wolves, I am the Primordial God of Humanity, Prince of the Universe, I am the God of Werewolves and Sarcasm, Minor God of the Sky and Champion of The Fates." Stiles explains sarcastically introducing himself again, before a smile appears on his face that I have not seen in a long time.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!

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