Chapter 7

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The next morning, I woke up early for the first time in forever, and I felt good about myself. But school was school. And school wouldn't change until there was a dramatic event. Which none was happening at the moment. Moving to my locker, I found a note stuck onto the locker. It was in Katie's handwriting. Everyone hates you, and you know it. So stop being a mistake and go wander somewhere else. Although I told myself multiple times that I belonged here, Katie's words seemed right. I was a mistake. Literally the definition of mistake. As I crumpled up the note, I saw Ella coming down the hallway towards me. Great. Just when I needed to be alone.

"Are you okay now?" Ella asked, as I ignored her. Who was she to act like this? She knew nothing. As I walked away from her, I heard her whisper something, but I heard. And everyone else who was listening to her conversation probably heard. "She really is a psycho." I stopped in my tracks and turned around to stare at her. She blinked back at me, with black beaded eyes. My jaw twitched but I turned right back around and headed to Math. Let her, then. Game on, Ella.

Since Ella was also in my Math class, I made sure that I answered every single example question, and I made a big show of being surprised at my A+ on the exam. She turned to the other side after a while, but I smirked inside. First round, my win. I shoved the exam paper into my binder, and listened to the rest of class.

"What is the answer for question 6 on the homework, class?" I raised my hand, and I saw Ella's jaw harden. "Yes, Megan."

"I got that James made a mistake in the second step of the problem because he forgot the order of PEMDAS."

"Very good, Megan. Riley, please come up to show the work of Megan's explanation." Mrs. Luafer smiled at me. I let out a breath. At this rate, I could improve my overall grade and citizenship grade. But at that moment, across the room, I heard a sob. I turned to see Ella's head down on the desk. I scrunched my eyebrows. What in the world? Was she faking it like Theresa had the other day? But as Mrs. Luafer didn't notice, her breathing began to go unstable. At that note, Mrs. Luafer turned around to scan the room. Once she saw that it was Ella, she rushed over to her.

"Ella. Are you alright?" Mrs. Luafer put her hand on Ella's forehead. "You're burning. I'll take you to the office." As Ella was led out of the room, I took out my book and began to read. There was a light buzz around the class, but I ignored it.

"I can't believe that happened during class. Is there something wrong with her?" I heard whispers behind my back. But there was a shout from a voice I immediately recognized.

"She's not sick, you knuckleheads. Besides you shouldn't talk bad about someone behind their back. Shut up, all of you." FeiFei had stood up for Ella. In front of the whole class. The conversations immediately stopped, and everyone stared at FeiFei. "You're not being fair. You don't even know her." That sentence was enough to make my blood boil. The kids at my school barely knew anything about me, yet they chose to leave me out of everything. I turned around and glared at her from my seat. Once she noticed me, she glared right back. "What are you staring at, freak?" That was it. I stood up and walked up to her.

"What are you? A hypocrite?" Everyone leaned forward in their seats. They wanted to watch the drama that was upcoming.

"A hypocrite? Are you calling me names? Are you insane?" FeiFei's eyes flashed. I kept my stare, and she started to get uncomfortable.

"Yeah. I am. But you know what? You are a hypocrite, FeiFei. You just said that if you don't know anything about someone, you should stay quiet. But that's the exact opposite of what you did to me. You didn't know anything, yet you started rumors. You didn't know anything, but you started to talk behind my back. I don't think that in your position, you should be declaring such a thing." I said everything I wanted to. Now, all I needed was a response. FeiFei didn't look up at me after what I said. But after a while, she did look up.

"Right. But you know what I know? I know that your brother is a psycho, and I know that he will always be a psycho." She leaned forward to test my patience. Don't lose it, Megan. I repeated the same words in my head. But not this time. I smirked.

"Oh. Your family must be so upset." I smiled, pretending as if I knew something. Sometimes, it was better to play that card. FeiFei narrowed her eyes.

"What do you mean?" FeiFei asked suspiciously.

"I'm sure your family is upset to have a daughter like you." I turned back and walked to my desk as if nothing had ever happened. The class was silent. When Mrs. Luafer returned to class, I sneaked a look at FeiFei to see her resting her head on the back of her hand. Before I left the class, FeiFei caught up to me.

"You think I'm a disappointment to my family, Megan? Think twice before you speak. If my family has one disappointment, your family has three." FeiFei slung her backpack over her shoulder and stormed down the hallway. I cast my eyes downward. It was a harsh accusation. I could feel everyone's stare on me. I rushed down the hallway and left for the girl's bathroom. I sobbed, letting my tears out. I heard voices in the bathroom.

"Are you sure you saw Megan?" That was Josie's voice.

"Positive. I could swear she was crying..." And that was Arianna. "Megan? Are you in here?" I could hear Arianna ask. I didn't want to reply. "Wait, isn't this her backpack in the stall?" Great. So now they were looking beneath stalls.

"Guys, please just. No. Not right now." I softly asked. I could feel Arianna and Josie stand stiffly upright.

"Megan? Are you alright? Anything you want to share?" Josie asked me. I let out a breath. Maybe it was time I shared.

"About two years ago, my family wasn't in good shape. We were in debt, and my family barely had money to send us here. But I have a brother. His name is William. You've probably heard of him." I mumbled the last sentence, but Arianna and Josie didn't say anything. "Well, William was a brother that wanted to show others that he could do it. So he....." I took another deep breath. "He started to run a drug business. After not being able to sell an efficient amount, he started to take the drug instead. He would turn weird. His attitude was weird. He started to be seen on the news strangling or harassing people. But he's still my brother. I miss him so much. But because of drugs, he got into a fight at highschool which killed the other boy. He's at a facility now. Nobody's allowed to see him until he has improvements. I'm still waiting for the day to come." Once I finished talking, the restroom was silent. I grabbed my bag and headed out to see Arianna and Josie staring at me. Josie came and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry, Megan. We had no idea." Josie whispered. Arianna came and joined the hug too. After a few minutes, they let go.

"You know what goes around the school though? They say my brother is a killer. He may have accidentally killed one, but he isn't the town killer." I said through my tears. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be crying."

"No. You can cry, Megan. Cause we're here for you." As I wiped my tears away, I left the restroom with the help of Arianna and Josie.

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