Chapter 24

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"Girl! It's been so long since we saw you!" One of the girls touched her hair. "And your family must've hit the jackpot too!"

"Yeah..." She said with a smile. In her case, I wasn't sure whether it was real or fake. "How have you guys been?" One of the girls slung an arm over her shoulder.

"Fine. How have you been, Ella?" She said with a grin that showed off her perfectly white teeth with bright green braces.

"Better." Ella looked off into the distance and looked lost.

"Look at that girl over there," the girl who had an arm over Ella pointed at the girl surrounded by boys. "She thinks she's the best just cause she's friends with the boys."

"Lya, right? She used to go to our school," Ella smirked in her direction.

"You still remember? Man, she used to be super pretty. I mean, she still is. But did you see the makeup she uses? So cheap!" Everyone snickered.

"Sage, does she still go to the same school?" Ella asked the girl sitting next to her.

"Obviously. Such a bore, and doesn't even know how to take a joke." Sage grumbled. Sage looked like a girl that came out of the alleys, if you know what I mean. Sage meant wisdom, but this girl was nowhere around that word.

I turned around and left the park, unable to keep watching what was in front of me. Once I was hidden from Ella's sight, I pulled out the note again.

"Syrup Street? Isn't that like Maple Avenue? And it says 30, so maybe it's the house number?" I was confused at what I was repeating, but it all made sense now. I looked up and saw that I was on Maple Avenue. "Huh. I was already here."

In front of a building stood couples and children laughing with faces as bright as the sun. I smiled and entered the building. The architecture of the building was amazing, and you could see how much effort was put into building this. It was very new, and it looked like it had been built recently.

"Floor number 6," I told the bellboy. He nodded and pushed the button. I had been panicking which button to press until I had found it scratched at the bottom of the paper. Ding! The elevator made a noise and I let out the breath I had been holding. I bowed my head quickly to the bellboy and got off the elevator. Walking down the hallway, I found house number 30, but before I rang the bell, I stopped. I couldn't just storm in and ask for a Terry. I would look like a stalker, or... Stalker. That was a perfect idea.

Ding dong! The bell rang when I pushed the button. A couple minutes later, the door opened, revealing a young man. He looked at me and paused.

"Who are you...?" He scratched the back of his head.

"Oh, does Terry Girl live here?" I asked cautiously. I had no idea who this man was.

"Yes... But who are you..?" He stepped back from his position.

"I'm one of her instagram followers. Can I get a picture?" The man sighed.

"Listen, little girl. She isn't here right-" I heard footsteps behind the man, and a head poked out. She smiled and nudged the man out of the way.

"So you're my follower? Come in." The man glared at Terry, but she ignored it and let me in. I looked at her suspiciously. I thought that celebrities don't let people in this easily. But then again, was Terry an instagram star? She did have near a million followers....

"How come you let me in?" I asked her once we were in her room. She sat down on her beanbag chair.

"Because you were so loud in the hallway." She flashed me a grin. I smile nervously and looked down at my hands. "I'm guessing you didn't come for a picture." I lifted my head in a flash.

"How did you know?"

"Nobody knows I live here. They think I'm in New York City." That was a fact. All of her pictures were taken in New York City... unless it wasn't New York City.

"Why would you fake it?"

"Why can't I?" Terry wasn't the easiest person to talk to, I figured it out now. She twisted the way she talked and acted like it was normal.

"Who was that man out front?" I pointed to the door.

"My father."

"He's young."

"I know." I wasn't sure I could get a lot of information out of Terry. But it scared me to know that I had an interaction with her father. I was about to ask her another question when her door burst open.

"Terry. I'm going out. Make sure..." Her father's eyes landed on me. "Just escort your friend out... carefully..." He emphasized the word 'carefully' as Terry rolled her eyes.

"I will. Don't worry." He nodded, and left the room after glancing at me one more time. I didn't understand why he was so nervous to leave me alone with Terry. It wasn't like I was armed with a gun, or a knife at the very least.

"He's just super overprotective." Terry said from the corner. Did she just read my mind? I slowly walked over to where she was sitting.

"Why did you really let me in?" I asked, thinking about how I was wording the next sentence. "You knew who I was from the beginning, didn't you?"

"What do you mean?" She finally looked up from her nails. "Have we met before?" I tilted my head and sighed. I had met you Terry. But not you. Only when you were Cassandra.

"It's nothing." I grabbed my bag. "My mother must be wondering where I am." I rushed out the door before she could say anything.

Once I was out of the apartment, I breathed a sigh of relief. I laid my phone out onto my hand and resisted the urge to throw it on the ground. I had taken up a few hours to meet Terry and learn nothing new. Ring! Ring! I looked down at my phone and saw that my mother was calling me.


"Where are you?"

"Outside, taking a walk."

"Alright. I'm working late again so listen to Janice."

"Okay..." I hung up the call and sighed. My mom was so busy these days that she barely spent time with me and Janice.

I kicked a rock as I walked home, but before a walked in, I saw Daniel waiting outside for me. I ran to him to give him a hug.

"Daniel! What are you doing out here?" He hugged me tightly, like he would never let go.

"I was just super tired." His eyes were closed. I smiled warmly and hugged him back. He smelled like peppermint and... a girl's perfume?! My eyes widened, thinking about the impossible. Daniel didn't seem like a cheater to me.

"Hey Daniel, do you have an older sister?" Even if he had a younger sister, she would be too young to know about perfume.

"Yes. Her name is Jillian. Why?" He touched his collar and smiled with a questioning sparkle in his eyes. Ah... You were worrying for nothing, Megan.

"Just asking. Might as well know more about each other, right?" I worded my sentence carefully so that he wouldn't catch me in a lie.

"Right. You have an older sister too, right?" I nodded. "I think her name was Janice?" I nodded again, and he grinned.


I returned home almost one hour later. I loved hanging out with Daniel, but I was especially tired today and I didn't want to hang out. I hoped that he hadn't seen my emotions today. It may have hurt him.

"You never do the right thing, do you Megan?" I asked myself out loud and pounced onto my bed. 

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