Cat Vs. Phoenix

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"Will you still remember me if ever I go?"

3rd person pov

As soon as the two crackhead Duo woke up, they got ready for school and walked together and saw a girl with short blonde hair.

"Oh My God, I'm Gay-"

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"Oh My God, I'm Gay-"

Y/n was about to continue what she was saying not until Seung shushed her and slapped her mouth to stay quiet, As the blonde girl they saw was now looking at them curiously.

"Uhm... Hi?"

The blonde girl greeted and waved shyly.

"Holy shit! Did you see that!? She waved to us shyly! I am so Gay-"

Seung then again slapped y/n's mouth to shut her up as she was fangirling and shouting.

Seung excused them and told the blonde girl to just meet them at the back of the school at recess.

The blonde girl nodded and waved goodbye.

Seung glared at her Little gay friend she's with, but her friend only shrugged her shoulder and walked away not until she turned around and stick her tongue to Seung and teased her about being shy gay.

Seung's eyebrows twitch and ran to catch Y/n.


Seung got into her homeroom and sat at the back of the room.

She can only hear how noisy her classmates are as they wait for their professor.

Seung looked at the window at her side as she sits at the back and a window to her side.

She saw how sunny it is but a bit windy, as falling pink petals flew away from the cherry blossom tree.

*15 minute later*

15 minutes past the professor hasn't come yet. But the students are chatting up the storm. Seung was about to put her head phones on not until-


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