Chou and Lee

81 7 5

"Then only for a minute, I want to change my mind. Cause this just don't feel right to me... "

Rin faced her palm at Seung.

Seung grinned and formed a blue fire chamber.

Seung made the students who witnessed what's happening right now to forget what they saw.

Rin's purple glowing eyes stared at Seung's blue ones.

"if you still can't control can put The curse at me." Seung said looking at Rin while smiling.

Rin shot her palm at Seung which made Seung flinch and sent flying to the school doors.

"T-that.... Fuc-kin h-hurt.." Seung mumbled as she stood up dusting her clothes.

Yongsun who saw what happened too forgot what she saw but got curios on why Seung and Rin was just sitting at the table like nothing happened.

She just shrugged it and continued eating with them.

"Seung noona!"

"Seung unnie!"

Rin got curious on who's calling her friend So she looked at her back and saw a tall Yoda looking girl and a bunny looking boy running towards Seung.


Seung looked back and saw Tzuyu And Jungkook.

"Yeah?" Seung asked looking at them curiously.

Tzuyu stared at Rin and Rin did the same.

Something about them connects.

The connection was strong.

Not the fucking internet since ITS FUCKING LAGGY--

"Hm...... Hello." Tzuyu waved at the small girl in front of her.

Rin smiled and patted the free seat next to her so Tzuyu sat there.

Jungkook followed.

"So? What's up?" Rin asked.

"The ceiling doodoo hair unnie." Tzuyu answer bluntly.

Well that's what Tzuyu nicknamed her.

Seung chocked at her food.

Rin spit her water out.

"HAAHAAHHAHAHA *cough* *cough* HAHAHAHAHHHAHA!" Seung laughed at Tzuyu's blunt answer at Rin as others laughed too.

"your fucking lucky you look like an angel... " Rin said sulking.

"Of course I'm lucky...." Tzuyu said as she raised her eyebrows at Rin.

Seung was all giggly as she eats, y/n was stopping herself from laughing.

"Jungkook oppa? Yah you have been staring at Rin unnie for too long what happened?" Shuhua asked as Soyeon continued feeding her some fried rice.

"oooOoOooHhhHhH~ someone's in loveeeeeee" Soyeon said smirking.

As they continued teasing the poor boy the bell rang.

"Alright you little rascals today you will be partnered up with some juniors, Now go pick a partner." The gym teacher said.


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