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"I have been chasing all of this dreams, but waking up I have to go through all of this..."

It has been 1 year since their sacrifice the other members were still together and didn't disband.

Rin and Jake both got together and got married and have two children's.

(LMAO if ever You read this rin.... Your gonna have to wait for the wedding part, sorry not sorry sis.)

Jake was holding Rin's hand as he held Ethan's hands at his other.

Ethan was their first child, a boy that looks like Jake but also got a little bit of features of Rin.

Jia their daughter and was clinging at Rin as she was still sleeping.

They stopped and looked at the two tridents with the others weapons.

Jia woke up and saw a blue fire on a forest so she told her mom that she will just look at the butterfly's that made Rin just nod and enjoy the breeze while she leaned at Jake.

Ethan looked at the purple flowers at Seung's tridents and went to pick one which got noticed by Rin.

Rin saw Ethan's back glow that made her eyes widened.

"He got my curse...." Rin thought as Jake caressed her hair.

Jia followed the blue flames until she bumped into a tall woman with blue flames all around her as her hair was now cut short and was now blue.

The woman crouched down and looked at jia.

And smiled.

"Rin!" A woman shouted as she was in her working outfit.

"Y/n!" Rin smiled as she approached her cousin and hugged her.

They both sat at the grass in front Of the tridents as they talked about their lives and how are they doing, Jake played with Ethan.

Jia looked at the Flaming woman in front of her and stared at her smiling.

"Wow...... Pretty...." Jia thought as she held the woman's cheeks and squished them.

"And cute!" Jia thought as she smiled.

The woman chuckled.

"Rin's gonna kill me if ever her daughter turned out to be Minatozaki Sana.... Is Sana gay?" The woman thought as she held the little girls hand together and letting it go to make a blue fire appear at the little girls palms.

The little girl was so excited as she ran at her mother and showed her the blue fire she has on her palms.

"Mom! Look a flaming woman gave me this blue fire!" Jia exclaimed as she played with the blue fire.

Rin's eyes widened and looked at the forest to see the trail of blue flames, making her stand up and run and follow the trail.

Rin stopped and saw a wide open area with just grass and nothing more.

She saw a woman with blue flames all around her.

Rin gasped and teared up.

She slowly walked towards the woman until she couldn't wait anymore and hugged the woman.

But before she could Lock the woman in her arms the woman fade away.

Rin looked everywhere.

"Seung...." Rin said with her voice trembling.

"Is that you?..."

She looked back and saw the others are still there.

So she looked in front of her and found a necklace.

"💙No Retreat, No Surrender💙"

Rin smiled as her tears were now falling and held the necklace close to her.

She walked back to her family with a happy smile as they went home.

The woman smiled as she heard footsteps behind her.

"That's them?"

"wow her face matured but her height didn't...."

"never thought I'll be an auntie..."

"How did Jake talk to Lisa about Rin being pregnant?"

The blue haired woman chuckled and turned around entering a barrier her friends following along.

"I wonder how too.... But it's time for you guys to pass your Ancient powers too..."

"I'll pass it if ever Jinjin wants to have a family with me.. "

"Eh same, if the bunny wants, the bunny gets..."

"Not sure, but maybe we will have one if that cute Lil sloth wants to have a family with me...."

"welllllllll I'm a bottom so I'll have it of course. If my moon wants to be a Mather..."

"wait Mather?"

"Mother plus Father equals Mather."

"Oh..... Ok...."

"well we will surely be back... Legends never die anyways."

"A New Generation."

"But if your here with me, I will surely accomplish it..... I will never let go of this Accoustic Dreams."

To Be Continued...

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