The Chain Keeper

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"Make me alive, Make me suffer."

As everybody went back to their room at the hotel they immediately flopped at their beds.

Y/n went at Seung's bed and cuddled with her to ease Seung's stress at thinking.

"Soyeon is The Chain Keeper." Seung immediately said.

Y/n's eyes widen at the sudden news she sat up and looked at Seung as if she wants to confirm she isn't joking.

"I'm not clowning you, it's the truth. I saw a chain appear at her wrist." Seung said and looked at y/n.

"Then we must tell them...." y/n said.

Seung nodded and sent a text to meet at their room.


Everyone was there sitting at the floor and waiting.

"You guys may not believe it but..... Soyeon can you C'mere" Seung said and gestured Soyeon to sit close to her.

Seung took Soyeon's wrist and showed it to everyone.

The chain tattoo was now glowing at Soyeon's wrist that made everyone gasp even Soyeon herself.

"W-what?!" Soyeon shrieked and looked at her wrist examining the chain tattoo that was slowly expanding up to her shoulder, But disappeared.

Making everyone curious, Soyeon looked up and everyone gasped again as they saw that Soyeons eyes were now violet.

"Hm, if you are the Chain Keeper.... Then who's close to you that can be The Lion Queen?" Moonbyul asked as everyone was thinking too.

Though Seung knows who it is as she looked at Shuhua who just stared at Soojin, mesmerized at her beauty.

"I also know who may be The Panther, The Eagle And The Crow and Dove is..." Seung said that made everyone look at her to tell the name.

"But I Won't Tell." Seung smirked as everyone groaned.

"You'll guys know at the right time. For now let's just relax and-" Seung got cut off as an explosion was made beside the hotel.

They went out and saw A Monster.

Seung and Y/n's eyes widen as the monster looked like the monster at the game.

"Holy Crap!" Y/n shouted and ran behind Seung.

They went inside their hotel and grabbed their stuffs before exiting and running to the van, accelerating.

As they did that, they noticed the monster was chasing them.

"WHY THE FUCK IS IT CHASING US!" Nayeon shouted at the other van.

"I DONT EVEN FUCKING KNOW LETS JUST GO! GO! GO!" Yongsun shouted back and accelerated more.

Momo saw Tzuyu's Shoulder glowing, So she ripped Tzuyu's shirt at the shoulder.

"Hey! Don't touch MY TZUYU!" Nayeon shouted at Momo.


"MOMO DON'T TOUCHA MA CHAILD!" Jihyo shouted that made everyone cover their ears.

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