New Student

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"Please Help me, I can't see anymore. But you could used to be, so breathe by me... Where is she? Where is she? Now?"

The school bell rings as students went to their classrooms.

The two other students from a different school went to hang out at a cafe near the school.

The others were confused on why they are completely fine now even though they took a beating.

But they just shrugged it off and sat down at their seats.

Y/n was seated at Shuhua's side so she tapped the girls shoulder to get her attention.

"Hey, were you and Soyeon ok? I heard Hui attacked you guys again..." y/n asked worried.

"Yeah were fine, Yongsun unnie came and rescued us--" as soon as Shuhua mentioned the unnie's name both the puppy and the lion tackled Shuhua.



Shuhua nodded and stood up helping the two girls who tackled her.

Y/n and Soyeon both chuckled as Shuhua stumbled again making her fall with the other two again.

"Class listen up."

The senior room quite downed as they heard their professor spoke.

Seung averted her eyes to the new student at the door.

"We will be having a new student, she's cousins with Ms. Lee Y/n. Please introduce yourself."

"Hello, my name is Lee Rin. Take care of me."

Whispers and praises were heard at the room as the boys gawk at the beauty in front of them, girls were praising her and others glaring at her.

Seung saw that the chair at her side was free so she groaned and looked outside the window again arms crossed.

Rin, the new student went to the free chair next to Seung.

Rin looked at the girl beside her and smiled at her.

"Lee Rin nice to meet you?"

Seung glanced at her and saw the Purple soul.

She hummed.

"Kang Seung-Shi."

"Kang Seung-Shi.... Nice name, I think we'll get along just fine..."

Seung stared at the girl and smirked as she saw the girl have this mischievous grin but soon turned into a smile.

Seung shook her head and nodded Rin smiled happily as she got a 'Yes's response.

The other students were shook to see them interact.

Guess The New Student had an effect on her....


Seung together with Rin went to the cafeteria.

Rin has been staring at Seung worried as she saw the letter that was sent to Seung too.

"Don't worry Seung.... You'll just have to man--Gay up.... At least you'll know she's safe, plus her grandma and her aunt is there no problem." Rin said while making weird gestures with her hands.

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